ᐅ Travis Stacy Abel, New Jersey Address: 581 Reed Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4733 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 16-10379-MBK7: "The bankruptcy record of Travis Stacy Abel from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2016-01-08. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2016-04-07." Travis Stacy Abel — New Jersey, 16-10379
ᐅ Carol Marie Abel, New Jersey Address: 581 Reed Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4733 Bankruptcy Case 16-10379-MBK Summary: "Carol Marie Abel's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in January 2016, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 04/07/2016." Carol Marie Abel — New Jersey, 16-10379
ᐅ Margaret Abruzzese, New Jersey Address: 44 Crooked Stick Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-34892-KCF Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Margaret Abruzzese from Jackson, NJ, saw her proceedings start in 08/13/2010 and complete by 12/03/2010, involving asset liquidation." Margaret Abruzzese — New Jersey, 10-34892
ᐅ Nader Abuzahrieh, New Jersey Address: 1 Pennsylvania Ave Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-43580-KCF7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Nader Abuzahrieh from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in 10.29.2010 and complete by February 2011, involving asset liquidation." Nader Abuzahrieh — New Jersey, 10-43580
ᐅ Enver Ahmet, New Jersey Address: 44 Olev Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-31940-KCF: "The bankruptcy record of Enver Ahmet from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in July 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in November 5, 2010." Enver Ahmet — New Jersey, 10-31940
ᐅ Georges J Aho, New Jersey Address: 414 Brewers Bridge Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-2629 Bankruptcy Case 2014-15911-CMG Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident Georges J Aho's 2014-03-28 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2014-06-26." Georges J Aho — New Jersey, 2014-15911
ᐅ Kim Bernadette Albanese, New Jersey Address: 155 Meli Ln Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-10479-RTL7: "Jackson, NJ resident Kim Bernadette Albanese's 01/07/2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by April 29, 2011." Kim Bernadette Albanese — New Jersey, 11-10479
ᐅ Iv Clarence E Aldrich, New Jersey Address: 450 Vath St Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 11-37361-RTL: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Iv Clarence E Aldrich from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in 2011-09-19 and complete by January 2012, involving asset liquidation." Iv Clarence E Aldrich — New Jersey, 11-37361
ᐅ Brian D Alicia, New Jersey Address: 36 Forest Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-22917-MBK: "Jackson, NJ resident Brian D Alicia's 04.26.2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2011-08-16." Brian D Alicia — New Jersey, 11-22917
ᐅ Tara Antoinette Aliotta, New Jersey Address: 63 Oakmont Ln Jackson, NJ 08527-4027 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 2014-27872-KCF: "In Jackson, NJ, Tara Antoinette Aliotta filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2014-08-29. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Nov 27, 2014." Tara Antoinette Aliotta — New Jersey, 2014-27872
ᐅ John Arnold Allum, New Jersey Address: 786 E Veterans Hwy Jackson, NJ 08527-5126 Bankruptcy Case 16-14385-KCF Summary: "The bankruptcy record of John Arnold Allum from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in March 2016. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 06/07/2016." John Arnold Allum — New Jersey, 16-14385
ᐅ Stefani Altieri, New Jersey Address: 141 Brookfield Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 11-16589-RTL Overview: "Stefani Altieri's bankruptcy, initiated in Mar 6, 2011 and concluded by 06/03/2011 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Stefani Altieri — New Jersey, 11-16589
ᐅ Michael Ambrosino, New Jersey Address: 29 Arizona Ave Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-13243-RTL7: "In Jackson, NJ, Michael Ambrosino filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in February 2013. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 05.27.2013." Michael Ambrosino — New Jersey, 13-13243
ᐅ Richard Andrian, New Jersey Address: 139 Brookfield Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-4090 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 14-22778-CMG7: "Richard Andrian's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in June 2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2014-09-18." Richard Andrian — New Jersey, 14-22778
ᐅ Jessica C Angelone, New Jersey Address: 11 Hickory Hill Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 12-28920-KCF Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident Jessica C Angelone's 2012-07-31 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 11.20.2012." Jessica C Angelone — New Jersey, 12-28920
ᐅ Daniel Anghel, New Jersey Address: 57 Shilling Way Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-48289-RTL: "The case of Daniel Anghel in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Daniel Anghel — New Jersey, 10-48289
ᐅ Kristina Antico, New Jersey Address: 21 Forge Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-17924-KCF Summary: "Kristina Antico's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in Mar 18, 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 07.08.2010." Kristina Antico — New Jersey, 10-17924
ᐅ Charles Aponte, New Jersey Address: 45 Wyoming Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 09-39288-KCF Overview: "The case of Charles Aponte in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Charles Aponte — New Jersey, 09-39288
ᐅ Marc Lewis Appelbaum, New Jersey Address: 8 Summerhill Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-4365 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 15-17989-MBK: "The bankruptcy filing by Marc Lewis Appelbaum, undertaken in Apr 30, 2015 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 07/29/2015 after liquidating assets." Marc Lewis Appelbaum — New Jersey, 15-17989
ᐅ Robin Ilene Appelbaum, New Jersey Address: 8 Summerhill Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-4365 Bankruptcy Case 15-17989-MBK Overview: "Robin Ilene Appelbaum's bankruptcy, initiated in 04/30/2015 and concluded by Jul 29, 2015 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Robin Ilene Appelbaum — New Jersey, 15-17989
ᐅ Brian Arcella, New Jersey Address: 751 Dorathys Ln Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-49782-RTL Summary: "Jackson, NJ resident Brian Arcella's 2010-12-28 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 04.19.2011." Brian Arcella — New Jersey, 10-49782
ᐅ Robert Arnouil, New Jersey Address: 6 Highland Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-19375-RTL: "Jackson, NJ resident Robert Arnouil's 03.30.2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2010-07-20." Robert Arnouil — New Jersey, 10-19375
ᐅ Richard K Aronberg, New Jersey Address: 22 Princeton Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-50022-KCF: "The bankruptcy record of Richard K Aronberg from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2010-12-30. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 04.21.2011." Richard K Aronberg — New Jersey, 10-50022
ᐅ Robert Ashton, New Jersey Address: 24 Anita Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-4901 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-16649-KCF: "Jackson, NJ resident Robert Ashton's 04.13.2015 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by July 12, 2015." Robert Ashton — New Jersey, 15-16649
ᐅ Tracey M Askew, New Jersey Address: 704 Freehold Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 13-20340-CMG Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident Tracey M Askew's 2013-05-10 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by August 15, 2013." Tracey M Askew — New Jersey, 13-20340
ᐅ Anna John Aspras, New Jersey Address: 626 Ocala St Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 11-21217-MBK Summary: "The case of Anna John Aspras in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Anna John Aspras — New Jersey, 11-21217
ᐅ Valerie Ann Atchley, New Jersey Address: 30 Oregon Ave Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 12-14568-MBK: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Valerie Ann Atchley from Jackson, NJ, saw her proceedings start in 2012-02-24 and complete by Jun 15, 2012, involving asset liquidation." Valerie Ann Atchley — New Jersey, 12-14568
ᐅ William R Atkinson, New Jersey Address: 44 Vermont Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-1538 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 14-33209-CMG7: "The bankruptcy filing by William R Atkinson, undertaken in November 2014 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Feb 12, 2015 after liquidating assets." William R Atkinson — New Jersey, 14-33209
ᐅ Danielle M Atkinson, New Jersey Address: 44 Vermont Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-1538 Bankruptcy Case 14-33209-CMG Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Danielle M Atkinson, undertaken in Nov 14, 2014 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 02/12/2015 after liquidating assets." Danielle M Atkinson — New Jersey, 14-33209
ᐅ Michael Austin, New Jersey Address: 2527 Lexington Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-10547-RTL: "Michael Austin's bankruptcy, initiated in Jan 8, 2010 and concluded by 2010-04-13 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Michael Austin — New Jersey, 10-10547
ᐅ Jesus Avalos, New Jersey Address: 19 Cedar Knoll Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 12-27589-RTL Overview: "Jesus Avalos's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in July 2012, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in November 2012." Jesus Avalos — New Jersey, 12-27589
ᐅ Dominick Avigliano, New Jersey Address: 274 Leesville Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4539 Bankruptcy Case 2014-24042-CMG Summary: "Dominick Avigliano's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in 2014-07-09, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Oct 7, 2014." Dominick Avigliano — New Jersey, 2014-24042
ᐅ Ricardo Aviles, New Jersey Address: 290 Jackson Mills Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-3058 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 2014-29395-KCF: "Ricardo Aviles's bankruptcy, initiated in 2014-09-23 and concluded by 12.22.2014 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Ricardo Aviles — New Jersey, 2014-29395
ᐅ Zahid Aziz, New Jersey Address: 66 Brookfield Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-4087 Bankruptcy Case 2014-19117-MBK Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Zahid Aziz, undertaken in 05.05.2014 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in August 2014 after liquidating assets." Zahid Aziz — New Jersey, 2014-19117
ᐅ Felipe Bacelo, New Jersey Address: 301 Daisy Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-46512-MBK7: "Jackson, NJ resident Felipe Bacelo's 11.24.2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by March 16, 2011." Felipe Bacelo — New Jersey, 10-46512
ᐅ Ilene Baicher, New Jersey Address: 904 Willow Point Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-5506 Bankruptcy Case 14-12269-KCF Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Ilene Baicher from Jackson, NJ, saw her proceedings start in February 9, 2014 and complete by May 2014, involving asset liquidation." Ilene Baicher — New Jersey, 14-12269
ᐅ Nicole Bailey, New Jersey Address: 712 Anderson Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-28778-RTL: "Nicole Bailey's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in June 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2010-10-08." Nicole Bailey — New Jersey, 10-28778
ᐅ Mitchell Bruce Bailin, New Jersey Address: 18 Kim Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-11953-RTL: "The case of Mitchell Bruce Bailin in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Mitchell Bruce Bailin — New Jersey, 13-11953
ᐅ Jennifer Lynn Banjany, New Jersey Address: 588 E Veterans Hwy Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-32061-MBK: "The bankruptcy filing by Jennifer Lynn Banjany, undertaken in 07/25/2011 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 11.14.2011 after liquidating assets." Jennifer Lynn Banjany — New Jersey, 11-32061
ᐅ Michael Gabriel Banjany, New Jersey Address: 14 Meadowlark Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 13-10646-RTL Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Michael Gabriel Banjany, undertaken in 01.13.2013 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in April 20, 2013 after liquidating assets." Michael Gabriel Banjany — New Jersey, 13-10646
ᐅ Tami J Barquero, New Jersey Address: 868 Cassville Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4925 Bankruptcy Case 16-19383-KCF Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Tami J Barquero from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 05/13/2016. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2016-08-11." Tami J Barquero — New Jersey, 16-19383
ᐅ Irina Barr, New Jersey Address: 74 Southwind Cir Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-46267-KCF7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Irina Barr from Jackson, NJ, saw her proceedings start in December 23, 2011 and complete by 04.13.2012, involving asset liquidation." Irina Barr — New Jersey, 11-46267
ᐅ Steve Barreto, New Jersey Address: 4 Harvey Jones Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-27723-KCF: "Jackson, NJ resident Steve Barreto's June 9, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2010-09-29." Steve Barreto — New Jersey, 10-27723
ᐅ Yatzara Y Barreto, New Jersey Address: 169 Sams Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 12-17169-RTL: "The bankruptcy filing by Yatzara Y Barreto, undertaken in 03.21.2012 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Jul 11, 2012 after liquidating assets." Yatzara Y Barreto — New Jersey, 12-17169
ᐅ Errol Barrett, New Jersey Address: 8 Cottonwood Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-39007-KCF: "Jackson, NJ resident Errol Barrett's Sep 20, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by January 2011." Errol Barrett — New Jersey, 10-39007
ᐅ Christopher Barry, New Jersey Address: PO Box 503 Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-29474-MBK Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Christopher Barry, undertaken in June 2010 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 10/14/2010 after liquidating assets." Christopher Barry — New Jersey, 10-29474
ᐅ Lynn Barry, New Jersey Address: 289 Metedeconk Trl Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 09-42410-RTL Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident Lynn Barry's 2009-12-01 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Mar 8, 2010." Lynn Barry — New Jersey, 09-42410
ᐅ Anthony Bartoline, New Jersey Address: 224 Brookfield Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 11-16586-MBK Summary: "Anthony Bartoline's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in Mar 6, 2011, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 06/03/2011." Anthony Bartoline — New Jersey, 11-16586
ᐅ Kelly Bartolo, New Jersey Address: 7 Kari Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-14997-KCF: "The case of Kelly Bartolo in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Kelly Bartolo — New Jersey, 10-14997
ᐅ John Basile, New Jersey Address: 72 E Fish Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-42750-KCF: "The case of John Basile in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." John Basile — New Jersey, 10-42750
ᐅ William D Bastedo, New Jersey Address: 190 N Hope Chapel Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-24387-KCF: "Jackson, NJ resident William D Bastedo's May 6, 2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Aug 26, 2011." William D Bastedo — New Jersey, 11-24387
ᐅ Joseph P Battista, New Jersey Address: 11 Hummingbird Way Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 12-35783-RTL7: "The bankruptcy filing by Joseph P Battista, undertaken in 2012-10-24 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Jan 29, 2013 after liquidating assets." Joseph P Battista — New Jersey, 12-35783
ᐅ Allan Bautista, New Jersey Address: 6 Hemlock Hill Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-33234-MBK: "In Jackson, NJ, Allan Bautista filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 07.29.2010. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2010-11-18." Allan Bautista — New Jersey, 10-33234
ᐅ Joseph Thomas Beerman, New Jersey Address: 105 Bluebell Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-28339-MBK7: "In Jackson, NJ, Joseph Thomas Beerman filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2013-08-21. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 11.26.2013." Joseph Thomas Beerman — New Jersey, 13-28339
ᐅ Richard Behnken, New Jersey Address: 4 Weston Ct Jackson, NJ 08527-1711 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-29681-MBK7: "Richard Behnken's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in October 2015, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Jan 22, 2016." Richard Behnken — New Jersey, 15-29681
ᐅ Brian Michael Belardinella, New Jersey Address: 55 Claridge Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-1718 Bankruptcy Case 14-15026-CMG Summary: "The case of Brian Michael Belardinella in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Brian Michael Belardinella — New Jersey, 14-15026
ᐅ Darren Bell, New Jersey Address: 2 Monarch Ct Jackson, NJ 08527-2873 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-22779-KCF: "In Jackson, NJ, Darren Bell filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 06/20/2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by September 18, 2014." Darren Bell — New Jersey, 14-22779
ᐅ Chris Bell, New Jersey Address: 454 Hyson Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 11-18023-MBK: "Jackson, NJ resident Chris Bell's 03.17.2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 07.07.2011." Chris Bell — New Jersey, 11-18023
ᐅ Brittney K Bell, New Jersey Address: 300 S New Prospect Rd Apt 15L Jackson, NJ 08527-1914 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-18491-MBK: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Brittney K Bell from Jackson, NJ, saw her proceedings start in April 2014 and complete by 07.28.2014, involving asset liquidation." Brittney K Bell — New Jersey, 14-18491
ᐅ Brittney K Bell, New Jersey Address: 300 S New Prospect Rd Apt 15L Jackson, NJ 08527-1914 Bankruptcy Case 2014-18491-MBK Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Brittney K Bell, undertaken in 04.29.2014 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in July 2014 after liquidating assets." Brittney K Bell — New Jersey, 2014-18491
ᐅ Joseph Bell, New Jersey Address: 454 Hyson Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4442 Bankruptcy Case 14-31503-MBK Overview: "The case of Joseph Bell in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Joseph Bell — New Jersey, 14-31503
ᐅ Valerie Belostock, New Jersey Address: 1105 Larsen Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-1345 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 08-25152-RTL: "Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in 2008-08-11, Valerie Belostock from Jackson, NJ, structured a repayment plan, achieving discharge in 2013-01-31." Valerie Belostock — New Jersey, 08-25152
ᐅ Martha Bencivenga, New Jersey Address: 22 S Lakeview Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-2703 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-23823-CMG7: "The bankruptcy record of Martha Bencivenga from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 07.03.2014. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in October 1, 2014." Martha Bencivenga — New Jersey, 2014-23823
ᐅ Sr Anthony D Benifield, New Jersey Address: 10 Cortelyou Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-24872-KCF7: "Sr Anthony D Benifield's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in July 2013, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2013-10-13." Sr Anthony D Benifield — New Jersey, 13-24872
ᐅ James Berry, New Jersey Address: 44 Olev Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-13220-MBK: "Jackson, NJ resident James Berry's 02.03.2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 05/12/2010." James Berry — New Jersey, 10-13220
ᐅ Eloise Bindos, New Jersey Address: 1467 Ridge Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-5226 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 14-35643-KCF7: "In Jackson, NJ, Eloise Bindos filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Dec 23, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2015-03-23." Eloise Bindos — New Jersey, 14-35643
ᐅ Leonard R Bindos, New Jersey Address: 1467 Ridge Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-5226 Bankruptcy Case 14-35643-KCF Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident Leonard R Bindos's 2014-12-23 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2015-03-23." Leonard R Bindos — New Jersey, 14-35643
ᐅ James H Black, New Jersey Address: 603 Whitecomb Ave Jackson, NJ 08527-5231 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 14-19065-KCF: "James H Black's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in May 3, 2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 08.01.2014." James H Black — New Jersey, 14-19065
ᐅ Kevin G Boyette, New Jersey Address: 51 Walter Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-3419 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-25062-CMG7: "Kevin G Boyette's bankruptcy, initiated in Aug 10, 2015 and concluded by 11/08/2015 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Kevin G Boyette — New Jersey, 15-25062
ᐅ James Bozza, New Jersey Address: 1064 Bennetts Mills Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-39905-MBK Overview: "James Bozza's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in September 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2011-01-18." James Bozza — New Jersey, 10-39905
ᐅ Lynn Brabant, New Jersey Address: 95 Azalea Cir Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-31974-KCF7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Lynn Brabant from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in July 22, 2011 and complete by November 2011, involving asset liquidation." Lynn Brabant — New Jersey, 11-31974
ᐅ Rickey A Bradley, New Jersey Address: 1001 Toms River Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-15398-KCF: "The bankruptcy filing by Rickey A Bradley, undertaken in February 25, 2011 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 06.17.2011 after liquidating assets." Rickey A Bradley — New Jersey, 11-15398
ᐅ Mark Douglas Bram, New Jersey Address: 26 Shilling Way Jackson, NJ 08527-2247 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-33512-KCF7: "The bankruptcy filing by Mark Douglas Bram, undertaken in December 17, 2015 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in March 16, 2016 after liquidating assets." Mark Douglas Bram — New Jersey, 15-33512
ᐅ Dalton Bramwell, New Jersey Address: 2 Ambassador Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-34128-MBK7: "In Jackson, NJ, Dalton Bramwell filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in August 5, 2010. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2010-11-25." Dalton Bramwell — New Jersey, 10-34128
ᐅ Matthew Brand, New Jersey Address: 250 Thompson Bridge Rd Apt 45 Jackson, NJ 08527-4771 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-21175-KCF: "Matthew Brand's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in 2015-06-15, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2015-09-13." Matthew Brand — New Jersey, 15-21175
ᐅ Patrick Briers, New Jersey Address: 238 S Hope Chapel Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-35400-MBK: "The bankruptcy filing by Patrick Briers, undertaken in November 19, 2013 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in February 2014 after liquidating assets." Patrick Briers — New Jersey, 13-35400
ᐅ Iv John Brooks, New Jersey Address: 5 Song Bird Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-40329-KCF Overview: "The case of Iv John Brooks in Jackson, NJ, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Iv John Brooks — New Jersey, 10-40329
ᐅ Thais Brouillette, New Jersey Address: 41 Villanova Dr Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-26419-MBK Summary: "Jackson, NJ resident Thais Brouillette's 2010-05-28 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by September 17, 2010." Thais Brouillette — New Jersey, 10-26419
ᐅ Frederick R Brown, New Jersey Address: 30 Southwind Cir Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 12-21166-KCF: "The bankruptcy filing by Frederick R Brown, undertaken in 04/30/2012 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2012-08-20 after liquidating assets." Frederick R Brown — New Jersey, 12-21166
ᐅ Deena Marie Brown, New Jersey Address: 315 Grawtown Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-5145 Bankruptcy Case 14-35135-MBK Summary: "In Jackson, NJ, Deena Marie Brown filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Dec 15, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 03.15.2015." Deena Marie Brown — New Jersey, 14-35135
ᐅ Gail Patricia Brown, New Jersey Address: 318 3rd St Jackson, NJ 08527-2814 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-27497-CMG7: "Gail Patricia Brown's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in 08.25.2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Nov 23, 2014." Gail Patricia Brown — New Jersey, 2014-27497
ᐅ Timothy Brown, New Jersey Address: 5 Loch Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-23509-CMG: "The bankruptcy record of Timothy Brown from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2013-06-18. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2013-09-23." Timothy Brown — New Jersey, 13-23509
ᐅ James Brown, New Jersey Address: 95 Whispering Oaks Way Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 12-38517-KCF Overview: "Jackson, NJ resident James Brown's 2012-12-05 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Mar 12, 2013." James Brown — New Jersey, 12-38517
ᐅ Michael T Brown, New Jersey Address: 37 Bennetts Mills Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-11530-KCF: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michael T Brown from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in Jan 28, 2013 and complete by 05/05/2013, involving asset liquidation." Michael T Brown — New Jersey, 13-11530
ᐅ Darell Brunner, New Jersey Address: 168 Hickory Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Bankruptcy Case 10-39952-RTL Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Darell Brunner from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in September 28, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2011-01-18." Darell Brunner — New Jersey, 10-39952
ᐅ Michael Bucci, New Jersey Address: 193 Frank Applegate Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-40232-MBK: "The bankruptcy record of Michael Bucci from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in September 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in January 20, 2011." Michael Bucci — New Jersey, 10-40232
ᐅ Ginny L Bueti, New Jersey Address: 172 Bennetts Mills Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4513 Bankruptcy Case 16-25399-MBK Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Ginny L Bueti from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 08/10/2016. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in November 8, 2016." Ginny L Bueti — New Jersey, 16-25399
ᐅ Thomas J Buffa, New Jersey Address: 77 E Pleasant Grove Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-4234 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 2014-18283-CMG: "The bankruptcy filing by Thomas J Buffa, undertaken in 2014-04-26 in Jackson, NJ under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in July 2014 after liquidating assets." Thomas J Buffa — New Jersey, 2014-18283
ᐅ Nicholas L Buoscio, New Jersey Address: 1309 Violet Ln Jackson, NJ 08527-4156 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-11581-KCF: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Nicholas L Buoscio from Jackson, NJ, saw his proceedings start in January 2014 and complete by 2014-04-30, involving asset liquidation." Nicholas L Buoscio — New Jersey, 14-11581
ᐅ Joel W Burbank, New Jersey Address: 20 Hardwick Ct Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-32074-KCF: "Joel W Burbank's bankruptcy, initiated in 10.08.2013 and concluded by Jan 13, 2014 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Joel W Burbank — New Jersey, 13-32074
ᐅ Steven B Burg, New Jersey Address: 16 N Pointe Dr Jackson, NJ 08527-4965 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 2014-25710-MBK: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Steven B Burg from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in 2014-07-31 and complete by 10/29/2014, involving asset liquidation." Steven B Burg — New Jersey, 2014-25710
ᐅ Bruce D Burke, New Jersey Address: 36 Goldenrod Pl Jackson, NJ 08527-3825 Bankruptcy Case 15-25787-CMG Summary: "Bruce D Burke's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Jackson, NJ in 2015-08-20, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 11.18.2015." Bruce D Burke — New Jersey, 15-25787
ᐅ Melissa H Burke, New Jersey Address: 61 W Pleasant Grove Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 12-33744-KCF: "The bankruptcy record of Melissa H Burke from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in September 28, 2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in January 3, 2013." Melissa H Burke — New Jersey, 12-33744
ᐅ Jr Robert Burlew, New Jersey Address: 152 N Cooks Bridge Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-36479-RTL7: "The bankruptcy record of Jr Robert Burlew from Jackson, NJ, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 08.27.2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in December 17, 2010." Jr Robert Burlew — New Jersey, 10-36479
ᐅ John C Burmeister, New Jersey Address: 23 N New Prospect Rd Jackson, NJ 08527-1354 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 09-34389-MBK: "John C Burmeister's Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Jackson, NJ started in 2009-09-16. This plan involved reorganizing debts and establishing a payment plan, concluding in February 2015." John C Burmeister — New Jersey, 09-34389
ᐅ Veronica Margaret Burnett, New Jersey Address: 1040 Bennetts Mills Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-30188-KCF: "Veronica Margaret Burnett's bankruptcy, initiated in Sep 13, 2013 and concluded by 12/19/2013 in Jackson, NJ, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Veronica Margaret Burnett — New Jersey, 13-30188
ᐅ Lawrence Burnside, New Jersey Address: 6 Ashford Rd Jackson, NJ 08527 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-16114-MBK: "In Jackson, NJ, Lawrence Burnside filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in March 2013. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2013-06-27." Lawrence Burnside — New Jersey, 13-16114
ᐅ Gregory Bush, New Jersey Address: PO Box 1341 Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 11-43998-RTL: "In Jackson, NJ, Gregory Bush filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in November 2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by March 2012." Gregory Bush — New Jersey, 11-43998
ᐅ Shakiah E Butler, New Jersey Address: 30 Melody Ln Apt 28M Jackson, NJ 08527-1941 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-15942-KCF7: "In Jackson, NJ, Shakiah E Butler filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 06.30.2015." Shakiah E Butler — New Jersey, 15-15942
ᐅ Jason Byrne, New Jersey Address: 737 W Veterans Hwy Jackson, NJ 08527 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-35101-RTL: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Jason Byrne from Jackson, NJ, saw their proceedings start in 2010-08-16 and complete by 12.06.2010, involving asset liquidation." Jason Byrne — New Jersey, 10-35101