ᐅ Harry Asquith, Texas Address: 14325 FM 2005 Hamilton, TX 76531 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-61200-cag: "The bankruptcy record of Harry Asquith from Hamilton, TX, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2010-09-29. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in Jan 3, 2011." Harry Asquith — Texas, 10-61200
ᐅ Ronald Harlan Baker, Texas Address: 592 E Highway 36 Hamilton, TX 76531-1318 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 14-60116-rbk: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Ronald Harlan Baker from Hamilton, TX, saw his proceedings start in 2014-02-13 and complete by 2014-05-14, involving asset liquidation." Ronald Harlan Baker — Texas, 14-60116
ᐅ Barbara Faye Bartscher, Texas Address: 1004 N Blansit Hamilton, TX 76531-9721 Bankruptcy Case 2014-60341-rbk Overview: "In Hamilton, TX, Barbara Faye Bartscher filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 18, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Jul 17, 2014." Barbara Faye Bartscher — Texas, 2014-60341
ᐅ Billy Joe Bogan, Texas Address: 573 N US Highway 281 Hamilton, TX 76531-3961 Bankruptcy Case 09-61364-rbk Overview: "Billy Joe Bogan's Hamilton, TX bankruptcy under Chapter 13 in November 23, 2009 led to a structured repayment plan, successfully discharged in 2013-11-29." Billy Joe Bogan — Texas, 09-61364
ᐅ Heather Elaine Bogan, Texas Address: 573 N US Highway 281 Hamilton, TX 76531-3961 Bankruptcy Case 09-61364-rbk Overview: "Heather Elaine Bogan, a resident of Hamilton, TX, entered a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan in Nov 23, 2009, culminating in its successful completion by November 2013." Heather Elaine Bogan — Texas, 09-61364
ᐅ Lee Roy Braziel, Texas Address: 6393 FM 932 Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 13-60514-rbk Overview: "Hamilton, TX resident Lee Roy Braziel's 05/31/2013 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by September 12, 2013." Lee Roy Braziel — Texas, 13-60514
ᐅ Michael Chapman, Texas Address: 110 W Gentry St Hamilton, TX 76531 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-61225-cag7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michael Chapman from Hamilton, TX, saw their proceedings start in September 30, 2010 and complete by 2011-01-04, involving asset liquidation." Michael Chapman — Texas, 10-61225
ᐅ Kimberly Collins, Texas Address: 145 Blue Ridge Church Rd Hamilton, TX 76531 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-61195-cag: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Kimberly Collins from Hamilton, TX, saw her proceedings start in 09.29.2010 and complete by 2011-01-03, involving asset liquidation." Kimberly Collins — Texas, 10-61195
ᐅ Lisa Lynn Curry, Texas Address: 860 County Road 502 Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 13-61082-rbk Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Lisa Lynn Curry, undertaken in 2013-12-16 in Hamilton, TX under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2014-03-22 after liquidating assets." Lisa Lynn Curry — Texas, 13-61082
ᐅ Linda Joyce Curry, Texas Address: 860 County Road 502 Hamilton, TX 76531-3404 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-60563-rbk7: "In Hamilton, TX, Linda Joyce Curry filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in June 26, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by September 24, 2014." Linda Joyce Curry — Texas, 2014-60563
ᐅ Jamie L Davidson, Texas Address: 606 Barkley Dr Hamilton, TX 76531-2404 Bankruptcy Case 14-44220-rfn7 Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Jamie L Davidson, undertaken in 2014-10-20 in Hamilton, TX under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in January 18, 2015 after liquidating assets." Jamie L Davidson — Texas, 14-44220
ᐅ Eda Fay Felig, Texas Address: PO Box 12 Hamilton, TX 76531-0012 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-60118-rbk7: "In Hamilton, TX, Eda Fay Felig filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Feb 17, 2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2015-05-18." Eda Fay Felig — Texas, 15-60118
ᐅ Eleanor Audavee Fonseca, Texas Address: 5420 S US Highway 281 Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 13-45127-dml7 Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Eleanor Audavee Fonseca, undertaken in November 2013 in Hamilton, TX under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in February 2014 after liquidating assets." Eleanor Audavee Fonseca — Texas, 13-45127
ᐅ John Joe Galindo, Texas Address: 616 E Main St Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 12-60669-cag Summary: "Hamilton, TX resident John Joe Galindo's 06/18/2012 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 09.22.2012." John Joe Galindo — Texas, 12-60669
ᐅ Alton Ray Gardner, Texas Address: 803 Meadowlark St Hamilton, TX 76531 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 12-60777-cag: "In Hamilton, TX, Alton Ray Gardner filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 07.23.2012. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Oct 27, 2012." Alton Ray Gardner — Texas, 12-60777
ᐅ Leoma Larance, Texas Address: 1001 E Gentry St Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 10-60297-rbk Overview: "Leoma Larance's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Hamilton, TX in Mar 11, 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 06/15/2010." Leoma Larance — Texas, 10-60297
ᐅ Ernest Moyers, Texas Address: 502 S Lloyd St Hamilton, TX 76531 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-60064-rbk: "The bankruptcy filing by Ernest Moyers, undertaken in Jan 18, 2010 in Hamilton, TX under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2010-04-24 after liquidating assets." Ernest Moyers — Texas, 10-60064
ᐅ Thomas Neal Moyers, Texas Address: 2125 County Road 611 Hamilton, TX 76531 Bankruptcy Case 13-60742-rbk Summary: "Thomas Neal Moyers's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Hamilton, TX in 08.13.2013, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in November 2013." Thomas Neal Moyers — Texas, 13-60742
ᐅ Joy Munden, Texas Address: 805 E White St Hamilton, TX 76531 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-61152-cag: "Hamilton, TX resident Joy Munden's 09.17.2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2010-12-22." Joy Munden — Texas, 10-61152
ᐅ William Michael Neal, Texas Address: PO Box 504 Hamilton, TX 76531-0504 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-60991-rbk: "2010-08-12 marked the beginning of William Michael Neal's Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Hamilton, TX, entailing a structured repayment schedule, completed by 05.25.2015." William Michael Neal — Texas, 10-60991
ᐅ Deloris Kay Neal, Texas Address: PO Box 504 Hamilton, TX 76531-0504 Bankruptcy Case 10-60991-rbk Overview: "In her Chapter 13 bankruptcy case filed in 08/12/2010, Hamilton, TX's Deloris Kay Neal agreed to a debt repayment plan, which was successfully completed by 05.25.2015." Deloris Kay Neal — Texas, 10-60991
ᐅ Brandi Nichols, Texas Address: 1300 E Gentry St Hamilton, TX 76531 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-61118-cag7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Brandi Nichols from Hamilton, TX, saw her proceedings start in 10/05/2011 and complete by January 2012, involving asset liquidation." Brandi Nichols — Texas, 11-61118
ᐅ Douglas Ratliff, Texas Address: 401 N Reagan St Hamilton, TX 76531 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-60311-rbk: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Douglas Ratliff from Hamilton, TX, saw his proceedings start in 03.12.2010 and complete by Jun 16, 2010, involving asset liquidation." Douglas Ratliff — Texas, 10-60311
ᐅ Dustin E Richardson, Texas Address: 1102 E Coke St Hamilton, TX 76531-2435 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 14-61046-rbk: "The bankruptcy filing by Dustin E Richardson, undertaken in 12.30.2014 in Hamilton, TX under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Mar 30, 2015 after liquidating assets." Dustin E Richardson — Texas, 14-61046
ᐅ Tarra Schwartz, Texas Address: PO Box 607 Hamilton, TX 76531 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-45592-dml7: "The case of Tarra Schwartz in Hamilton, TX, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 08/31/2010 and discharged early Dec 5, 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Tarra Schwartz — Texas, 10-45592
ᐅ Troy Smith, Texas Address: 411 S Taylor St Hamilton, TX 76531 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-61149-cag: "The case of Troy Smith in Hamilton, TX, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in September 16, 2010 and discharged early 2010-12-21, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Troy Smith — Texas, 10-61149