ᐅ Sharper Lee Jones, Florida Address: 212 Coral Way Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-08429-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Sharper Lee Jones from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in June 2011. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 09.18.2011." Sharper Lee Jones — Florida, 6:11-bk-08429
ᐅ Lynn L Jones, Florida Address: 7398 Carillon Ave Cocoa, FL 32927-3070 Bankruptcy Case 6:16-bk-03125-CCJ Overview: "Lynn L Jones's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in May 10, 2016, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2016-08-08." Lynn L Jones — Florida, 6:16-bk-03125
ᐅ Naquita K Jordan, Florida Address: 2446 Dianne Dr Cocoa, FL 32926 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-02947-ABB7: "The bankruptcy record of Naquita K Jordan from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in March 2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in June 23, 2012." Naquita K Jordan — Florida, 6:12-bk-02947
ᐅ Vincent Miekel Jordan, Florida Address: 5215 Dalehurst Dr Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:08-bk-03344-ABB Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Vincent Miekel Jordan from Cocoa, FL, saw his proceedings start in 04/28/2008 and complete by August 2008, involving asset liquidation." Vincent Miekel Jordan — Florida, 6:08-bk-03344
ᐅ Mark Journey, Florida Address: 5340 Fruitport St Cocoa, FL 32927 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-19536-ABB: "The bankruptcy record of Mark Journey from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2010-10-29. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2011-02-01." Mark Journey — Florida, 6:10-bk-19536
ᐅ Gillian A Justice, Florida Address: 4595 Everglades St Cocoa, FL 32927-3629 Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-05364-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Gillian A Justice, undertaken in 06.20.2015 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2015-09-18 after liquidating assets." Gillian A Justice — Florida, 6:15-bk-05364
ᐅ David Kain, Florida Address: 305 Belmont Dr Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-17825-KSJ Summary: "The bankruptcy record of David Kain from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in Oct 5, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in Jan 10, 2011." David Kain — Florida, 6:10-bk-17825
ᐅ Arthur Kaiser, Florida Address: 2537 Hathaway Dr Cocoa, FL 32926-4312 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-01717-ABB Summary: "Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in February 16, 2009, Arthur Kaiser from Cocoa, FL, structured a repayment plan, achieving discharge in January 2013." Arthur Kaiser — Florida, 6:09-bk-01717
ᐅ Patricia M Kanalas, Florida Address: 1426 Roger St Cocoa, FL 32926-5550 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:15-bk-04241-CCJ: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Patricia M Kanalas from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in May 2015 and complete by 08/12/2015, involving asset liquidation." Patricia M Kanalas — Florida, 6:15-bk-04241
ᐅ Albert J Kane, Florida Address: 1033 Illinois Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:11-bk-11772-ABB: "In Cocoa, FL, Albert J Kane filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in August 2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by November 18, 2011." Albert J Kane — Florida, 6:11-bk-11772
ᐅ Anna R Kasper, Florida Address: PO Box 236402 Cocoa, FL 32923 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:13-bk-15244-CCJ: "In Cocoa, FL, Anna R Kasper filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2013-12-18. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Mar 21, 2014." Anna R Kasper — Florida, 6:13-bk-15244
ᐅ Stephen Edward Kastner, Florida Address: 5320 Florida Palm Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:09-bk-14736-ABB: "In Cocoa, FL, Stephen Edward Kastner filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2009-09-30. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by January 2010." Stephen Edward Kastner — Florida, 6:09-bk-14736
ᐅ Jennifer L Katz, Florida Address: 6090 Wilderness Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-05991-CCJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Jennifer L Katz from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 05.14.2013. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in Aug 15, 2013." Jennifer L Katz — Florida, 6:13-bk-05991
ᐅ Diane Keels, Florida Address: 3649 Lefever St Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-06781-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Diane Keels, undertaken in 2011-05-05 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 08.21.2011 after liquidating assets." Diane Keels — Florida, 6:11-bk-06781
ᐅ John R Keenan, Florida Address: 5940 Rena Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-03001-ABB7: "The bankruptcy record of John R Keenan from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 03.08.2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 06.24.2012." John R Keenan — Florida, 6:12-bk-03001
ᐅ Joseph Keesee, Florida Address: 301 Pine Ave Cocoa, FL 32922 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-06765-KSJ: "The bankruptcy record of Joseph Keesee from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 04/22/2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in August 2010." Joseph Keesee — Florida, 6:10-bk-06765
ᐅ Steven Sean Keesee, Florida Address: 3623 E Malory Ct Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-12069-ABB Overview: "Cocoa, FL resident Steven Sean Keesee's 08/18/2009 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2009-12-04." Steven Sean Keesee — Florida, 6:09-bk-12069
ᐅ Sr David R Keith, Florida Address: 4114 Rayburn Rd Cocoa, FL 32926 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-09974-ABB: "The case of Sr David R Keith in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009-07-14 and discharged early 2009-10-30, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Sr David R Keith — Florida, 6:09-bk-09974
ᐅ Robert Kelly, Florida Address: 5582 Yaupon Holly Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:10-bk-21255-KSJ: "The bankruptcy filing by Robert Kelly, undertaken in Nov 30, 2010 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 03.03.2011 after liquidating assets." Robert Kelly — Florida, 6:10-bk-21255
ᐅ Kelly Jean Kelly, Florida Address: 3955 Scotland St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-14163-CCJ Summary: "Kelly Jean Kelly's bankruptcy, initiated in 11.18.2013 and concluded by 02.19.2014 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Kelly Jean Kelly — Florida, 6:13-bk-14163
ᐅ Anita M Kempton, Florida Address: 3294 Caraway St Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-06068-ABB Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Anita M Kempton from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in May 2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 08/19/2012." Anita M Kempton — Florida, 6:12-bk-06068
ᐅ Jared B Kendrick, Florida Address: 6011 Stillwater Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:11-bk-05417-ABB: "In Cocoa, FL, Jared B Kendrick filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 04/14/2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 07/31/2011." Jared B Kendrick — Florida, 6:11-bk-05417
ᐅ Melissa C Kennedy, Florida Address: 4360 Ponds Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-03724-ABB7: "Melissa C Kennedy's bankruptcy, initiated in 03.18.2011 and concluded by 2011-07-04 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Melissa C Kennedy — Florida, 6:11-bk-03724
ᐅ Ruth Kenney, Florida Address: 5011 Bogey Pl Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-00560-KSJ Overview: "Cocoa, FL resident Ruth Kenney's January 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by May 3, 2010." Ruth Kenney — Florida, 6:10-bk-00560
ᐅ Richard Kern, Florida Address: 993 Barclay Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-04572-KSJ Summary: "Richard Kern's bankruptcy, initiated in 04.05.2012 and concluded by 2012-07-22 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Richard Kern — Florida, 6:12-bk-04572
ᐅ Jennifer Khan, Florida Address: 4577 Camberly St Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-07996-KSJ7: "The case of Jennifer Khan in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 05.11.2010 and discharged early 2010-08-27, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Jennifer Khan — Florida, 6:10-bk-07996
ᐅ Russell E King, Florida Address: 425 Canaveral Groves Blvd Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-11322-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Russell E King from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2009-08-03. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 11/19/2009." Russell E King — Florida, 6:09-bk-11322
ᐅ Helen R Kington, Florida Address: 6470 Addax Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:08-bk-06639-ABB: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Helen R Kington from Cocoa, FL, saw her proceedings start in July 2008 and complete by 2008-11-16, involving asset liquidation." Helen R Kington — Florida, 6:08-bk-06639
ᐅ Maurice Eugene Kite, Florida Address: 2477 Bonny Dr Cocoa, FL 32926-5302 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:16-bk-03792-KSJ: "Cocoa, FL resident Maurice Eugene Kite's 2016-06-07 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2016-09-05." Maurice Eugene Kite — Florida, 6:16-bk-03792
ᐅ Nara Yu Dawn Kite, Florida Address: 2477 Bonny Dr Cocoa, FL 32926-5302 Bankruptcy Case 6:16-bk-03792-KSJ Summary: "Cocoa, FL resident Nara Yu Dawn Kite's 06.07.2016 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Sep 5, 2016." Nara Yu Dawn Kite — Florida, 6:16-bk-03792
ᐅ Michael Klotz, Florida Address: 1943 Quail Ridge Ct Apt 602 Cocoa, FL 32926 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-14140-ABB: "The bankruptcy filing by Michael Klotz, undertaken in August 2010 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2010-11-27 after liquidating assets." Michael Klotz — Florida, 6:10-bk-14140
ᐅ James Kolessar, Florida Address: 100 Riverside Dr Apt 404 Cocoa, FL 32922 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-13129-ABB7: "James Kolessar's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in July 27, 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in November 12, 2010." James Kolessar — Florida, 6:10-bk-13129
ᐅ Colleen Elizabeth Korona, Florida Address: 16 Olive St Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-01392-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Colleen Elizabeth Korona, undertaken in 2011-02-01 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in May 2011 after liquidating assets." Colleen Elizabeth Korona — Florida, 6:11-bk-01392
ᐅ Robert F Kretz, Florida Address: 4715 Cinema St Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-18869-KSJ7: "In Cocoa, FL, Robert F Kretz filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 12/20/2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by April 6, 2012." Robert F Kretz — Florida, 6:11-bk-18869
ᐅ Nicole S Kropp, Florida Address: PO Box 3513 Cocoa, FL 32924 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-06657-KSJ Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Nicole S Kropp from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 05/15/2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2012-08-15." Nicole S Kropp — Florida, 6:12-bk-06657
ᐅ Corrinne Dale Krsek, Florida Address: 6780 Sandhill Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-15026-ABB7: "The case of Corrinne Dale Krsek in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2011-10-03 and discharged early 01.19.2012, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Corrinne Dale Krsek — Florida, 6:11-bk-15026
ᐅ Jason Kuhn, Florida Address: 5200 Andover St Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:08-bk-04540-ABB7: "Cocoa, FL resident Jason Kuhn's May 31, 2008 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 09/16/2008." Jason Kuhn — Florida, 6:08-bk-04540
ᐅ George R Kurak, Florida Address: 6533 W Baker Cir Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:08-bk-05645-KSJ: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, George R Kurak from Cocoa, FL, saw his proceedings start in 2008-07-02 and complete by 10.18.2008, involving asset liquidation." George R Kurak — Florida, 6:08-bk-05645
ᐅ Diana Louise Kuzma, Florida Address: 100 Canebreakers Dr Apt 211 Cocoa, FL 32927-6080 Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-01619-KSJ Overview: "In Cocoa, FL, Diana Louise Kuzma filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2015-02-25. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by May 26, 2015." Diana Louise Kuzma — Florida, 6:15-bk-01619
ᐅ Joseph Frank Kuzma, Florida Address: 100 Canebreakers Dr Apt 211 Cocoa, FL 32927-6080 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:15-bk-01619-KSJ: "Cocoa, FL resident Joseph Frank Kuzma's 2015-02-25 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by May 2015." Joseph Frank Kuzma — Florida, 6:15-bk-01619
ᐅ Alycen Labarca, Florida Address: 6625 Adkins St Cocoa, FL 32927-4237 Bankruptcy Case 6:2014-bk-09283-KSJ Overview: "Alycen Labarca's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in 08/13/2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 11.11.2014." Alycen Labarca — Florida, 6:2014-bk-09283
ᐅ David Labarca, Florida Address: 6625 Adkins St Cocoa, FL 32927-4237 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:14-bk-00962-KSJ7: "David Labarca's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in January 28, 2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 04.28.2014." David Labarca — Florida, 6:14-bk-00962
ᐅ David Joseph Lacey, Florida Address: 1126 Fay Blvd Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-12154-CCJ7: "In Cocoa, FL, David Joseph Lacey filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 09/30/2013. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2014-01-01." David Joseph Lacey — Florida, 6:13-bk-12154
ᐅ Luann Lacroix, Florida Address: 6217 Gayle Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-21723-KSJ7: "The bankruptcy filing by Luann Lacroix, undertaken in 12.07.2010 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 03.07.2011 after liquidating assets." Luann Lacroix — Florida, 6:10-bk-21723
ᐅ Bernadette M Lafonte, Florida Address: 5055 Jumper St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-03004-ABB Overview: "In Cocoa, FL, Bernadette M Lafonte filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in March 8, 2012. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by June 2012." Bernadette M Lafonte — Florida, 6:12-bk-03004
ᐅ Seth David Lakin, Florida Address: 7150 Briggs Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-06799-ABB7: "In Cocoa, FL, Seth David Lakin filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 05.05.2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by August 2011." Seth David Lakin — Florida, 6:11-bk-06799
ᐅ Garrison Jude H Lam, Florida Address: 3715 Bryce St Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-00398-ABB Overview: "The case of Garrison Jude H Lam in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2011-01-13 and discharged early 2011-04-11, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Garrison Jude H Lam — Florida, 6:11-bk-00398
ᐅ Tracy Lambert, Florida Address: 925 Eyerly St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-21009-KSJ Overview: "Tracy Lambert's bankruptcy, initiated in 11.23.2010 and concluded by 02/22/2011 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Tracy Lambert — Florida, 6:10-bk-21009
ᐅ Donna Marie Landis, Florida Address: PO Box 237598 Cocoa, FL 32923 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-11220-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Donna Marie Landis from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in July 2009. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2009-11-16." Donna Marie Landis — Florida, 6:09-bk-11220
ᐅ Jeffrey Jerone Landress, Florida Address: 4800 Miramar St Cocoa, FL 32927-8200 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-03452-8-RDD: "Jeffrey Jerone Landress's Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Cocoa, FL started in April 2010. This plan involved reorganizing debts and establishing a payment plan, concluding in Jun 28, 2013." Jeffrey Jerone Landress — Florida, 10-03452-8
ᐅ Shundell L Lang, Florida Address: 3848 Catalina Dr Cocoa, FL 32926-4011 Bankruptcy Case 6:16-bk-03620-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Shundell L Lang from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 05.31.2016. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2016-08-29." Shundell L Lang — Florida, 6:16-bk-03620
ᐅ Ardith J Langan, Florida Address: 977 Elkcam Blvd Cocoa, FL 32927-5015 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-07901-CCJ: "Cocoa, FL resident Ardith J Langan's Sep 16, 2015 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2015-12-15." Ardith J Langan — Florida, 6:15-bk-07901
ᐅ Nicole Langlais, Florida Address: 2945 Denham Rd Cocoa, FL 32926-4405 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:14-bk-13887: "Nicole Langlais's bankruptcy, initiated in 12.31.2014 and concluded by 03.31.2015 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Nicole Langlais — Florida, 6:14-bk-13887
ᐅ Jr William D Langlois, Florida Address: 750 Harvey Way Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-06477-ABB Overview: "Jr William D Langlois's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in May 12, 2009, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 08.28.2009." Jr William D Langlois — Florida, 6:09-bk-06477
ᐅ Wanda Kye Langston, Florida Address: 2400 Elsie Cir Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-13073-KSJ Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Wanda Kye Langston from Cocoa, FL, saw her proceedings start in 09/02/2009 and complete by Dec 19, 2009, involving asset liquidation." Wanda Kye Langston — Florida, 6:09-bk-13073
ᐅ Daniel R Lanoue, Florida Address: 3906 Sugar Berry Pl Cocoa, FL 32926 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-01339-ABB: "Cocoa, FL resident Daniel R Lanoue's January 2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by May 2011." Daniel R Lanoue — Florida, 6:11-bk-01339
ᐅ John Lanza, Florida Address: 436 Satsuma St Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-13624-KSJ Overview: "John Lanza's bankruptcy, initiated in 2010-08-02 and concluded by November 18, 2010 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." John Lanza — Florida, 6:10-bk-13624
ᐅ Virginia Laplante, Florida Address: PO Box 401 Cocoa, FL 32923 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-09480-ABB Summary: "The case of Virginia Laplante in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2011-06-23 and discharged early Oct 9, 2011, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Virginia Laplante — Florida, 6:11-bk-09480
ᐅ Dennis A Larner, Florida Address: PO Box 237951 Cocoa, FL 32923 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:13-bk-14037-KSJ: "Dennis A Larner's bankruptcy, initiated in November 2013 and concluded by February 15, 2014 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Dennis A Larner — Florida, 6:13-bk-14037
ᐅ Richard Laroche, Florida Address: 6830 Hundred Acre Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-10642-ABB: "In Cocoa, FL, Richard Laroche filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-06-17. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2010-10-03." Richard Laroche — Florida, 6:10-bk-10642
ᐅ John Chris Larue, Florida Address: 1470 Adamson Rd Cocoa, FL 32926 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-07857-ABB: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, John Chris Larue from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in 06/05/2009 and complete by Sep 21, 2009, involving asset liquidation." John Chris Larue — Florida, 6:09-bk-07857
ᐅ Nicole Deborah Laskowski, Florida Address: 1524 Clearlake Rd Apt 51 Cocoa, FL 32922-6568 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-03044-KSJ: "In Cocoa, FL, Nicole Deborah Laskowski filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Jul 6, 2015." Nicole Deborah Laskowski — Florida, 6:15-bk-03044
ᐅ Jeffrey John Latoff, Florida Address: 4025 Indian River Dr Apt 5 Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-12266-ABB Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Jeffrey John Latoff from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in August 2011 and complete by 2011-11-28, involving asset liquidation." Jeffrey John Latoff — Florida, 6:11-bk-12266
ᐅ Robert D Lawrence, Florida Address: PO Box 237451 Cocoa, FL 32923 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:09-bk-05548-KSJ: "Robert D Lawrence's bankruptcy, initiated in 04.25.2009 and concluded by August 11, 2009 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Robert D Lawrence — Florida, 6:09-bk-05548
ᐅ Richard Mark Lawson, Florida Address: 878 Camp Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-07880-CCJ: "The case of Richard Mark Lawson in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2013-06-26 and discharged early 09.27.2013, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Richard Mark Lawson — Florida, 6:13-bk-07880
ᐅ James E Lawson, Florida Address: PO Box 237176 Cocoa, FL 32923 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-03142-KSJ7: "The case of James E Lawson in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Mar 15, 2009 and discharged early 2009-07-01, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." James E Lawson — Florida, 6:09-bk-03142
ᐅ Brian Leonard Leblanc, Florida Address: 4780 Lee St Cocoa, FL 32926 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:08-bk-05333-KSJ7: "The case of Brian Leonard Leblanc in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in June 26, 2008 and discharged early 2008-10-12, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Brian Leonard Leblanc — Florida, 6:08-bk-05333
ᐅ Dyane Nancy Leblanc, Florida Address: 6180 Degan Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-04537-ABB Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Dyane Nancy Leblanc from Cocoa, FL, saw her proceedings start in 04.07.2009 and complete by July 2009, involving asset liquidation." Dyane Nancy Leblanc — Florida, 6:09-bk-04537
ᐅ Delores Lebron, Florida Address: 6220 Alderwood Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-11498-KSJ Overview: "Delores Lebron's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in June 30, 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in October 16, 2010." Delores Lebron — Florida, 6:10-bk-11498
ᐅ Liat Ledder, Florida Address: 411 G St Cocoa, FL 32922 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:13-bk-14438-KSJ: "Cocoa, FL resident Liat Ledder's November 2013 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2014-02-26." Liat Ledder — Florida, 6:13-bk-14438
ᐅ Claudio R Ledesma, Florida Address: 5687 Ada St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-04402-KSJ Summary: "Cocoa, FL resident Claudio R Ledesma's March 2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Jul 15, 2011." Claudio R Ledesma — Florida, 6:11-bk-04402
ᐅ Charles Lee, Florida Address: 6340 Grissom Pkwy Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-07634-ABB Overview: "Charles Lee's bankruptcy, initiated in May 2010 and concluded by 2010-08-19 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Charles Lee — Florida, 6:10-bk-07634
ᐅ Sixto R Leger, Florida Address: 3708 Windsor Dr Cocoa, FL 32926-8744 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:14-bk-02157-KSJ: "Sixto R Leger's bankruptcy, initiated in Feb 27, 2014 and concluded by May 2014 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Sixto R Leger — Florida, 6:14-bk-02157
ᐅ Eric B Lehmann, Florida Address: 7200 Oakwood Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-12251-KSJ7: "The bankruptcy record of Eric B Lehmann from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in August 21, 2009. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in Dec 7, 2009." Eric B Lehmann — Florida, 6:09-bk-12251
ᐅ Steven Donald Leighty, Florida Address: 3109 N Indian River Dr Cocoa, FL 32922 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-02980-ABB Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Steven Donald Leighty from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in March 4, 2011 and complete by June 2011, involving asset liquidation." Steven Donald Leighty — Florida, 6:11-bk-02980
ᐅ Walter Michael Leinhauser, Florida Address: 4150 Delespine Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-10983-KSJ Summary: "Cocoa, FL resident Walter Michael Leinhauser's September 3, 2013 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by December 5, 2013." Walter Michael Leinhauser — Florida, 6:13-bk-10983
ᐅ Robert C Lenn, Florida Address: 4835 Curtis Blvd Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-15615-KSJ Summary: "Cocoa, FL resident Robert C Lenn's 10.14.2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 01.30.2012." Robert C Lenn — Florida, 6:11-bk-15615
ᐅ Joseph Michael Leombruno, Florida Address: 447 Sand Dollar Ln Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-06280-KSJ Overview: "The case of Joseph Michael Leombruno in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009-05-07 and discharged early Aug 23, 2009, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Joseph Michael Leombruno — Florida, 6:09-bk-06280
ᐅ Enrique Alvarez Leon, Florida Address: 7223 Achilles Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:11-bk-15862-ABB: "Enrique Alvarez Leon's bankruptcy, initiated in October 20, 2011 and concluded by Feb 5, 2012 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Enrique Alvarez Leon — Florida, 6:11-bk-15862
ᐅ Anthony Leonard, Florida Address: 6465 Ainsworth Rd Cocoa, FL 32927-8952 Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-01345-KSJ Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Anthony Leonard from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 02.17.2015. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in May 18, 2015." Anthony Leonard — Florida, 6:15-bk-01345
ᐅ Lisa Lester, Florida Address: 4475 Delespine Rd Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-21817-KSJ Summary: "Lisa Lester's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in 12.09.2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2011-03-07." Lisa Lester — Florida, 6:10-bk-21817
ᐅ Bonnie Sue Letts, Florida Address: 4975 Carter St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-09347-ABB Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Bonnie Sue Letts from Cocoa, FL, saw her proceedings start in July 2012 and complete by Oct 26, 2012, involving asset liquidation." Bonnie Sue Letts — Florida, 6:12-bk-09347
ᐅ Kary Michelle Levaugh, Florida Address: 2409 Delys St Cocoa, FL 32926 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:13-bk-13981-CCJ: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Kary Michelle Levaugh from Cocoa, FL, saw her proceedings start in 2013-11-13 and complete by 02.14.2014, involving asset liquidation." Kary Michelle Levaugh — Florida, 6:13-bk-13981
ᐅ Douglas Russel Levine, Florida Address: 4035 Cherokee Ave Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-05889-KSJ Overview: "Cocoa, FL resident Douglas Russel Levine's 2011-04-21 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2011-08-07." Douglas Russel Levine — Florida, 6:11-bk-05889
ᐅ Eric L Lewellen, Florida Address: 6069 Fay Blvd Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-11519-KSJ7: "The bankruptcy record of Eric L Lewellen from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2013-09-17. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in December 19, 2013." Eric L Lewellen — Florida, 6:13-bk-11519
ᐅ Jared M Lewis, Florida Address: 5963 Gilson Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:09-bk-00001-KSJ: "The bankruptcy record of Jared M Lewis from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2009-01-01. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2009-04-19." Jared M Lewis — Florida, 6:09-bk-00001
ᐅ Alonzo Lewis, Florida Address: 4820 Miramar St Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-22009-KSJ Overview: "Alonzo Lewis's bankruptcy, initiated in 2010-12-13 and concluded by 2011-03-31 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Alonzo Lewis — Florida, 6:10-bk-22009
ᐅ Abisai Leyva, Florida Address: 6415 Homestead Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:10-bk-16850-KSJ: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Abisai Leyva from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in 09.22.2010 and complete by Jan 8, 2011, involving asset liquidation." Abisai Leyva — Florida, 6:10-bk-16850
ᐅ Nikki Lynn Libby, Florida Address: 6442 Fairchild Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-12347-KSJ: "The bankruptcy filing by Nikki Lynn Libby, undertaken in Aug 15, 2011 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Dec 1, 2011 after liquidating assets." Nikki Lynn Libby — Florida, 6:11-bk-12347
ᐅ Dennis James Linhart, Florida Address: 2543 Merri Oaks Ct Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:08-bk-04142-KSJ Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Dennis James Linhart, undertaken in May 2008 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Sep 6, 2008 after liquidating assets." Dennis James Linhart — Florida, 6:08-bk-04142
ᐅ Michael R Linnane, Florida Address: 5490 Citrus Blvd Cocoa, FL 32926 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:08-bk-04857-KSJ7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michael R Linnane from Cocoa, FL, saw their proceedings start in 2008-06-11 and complete by September 2008, involving asset liquidation." Michael R Linnane — Florida, 6:08-bk-04857
ᐅ Linda Mary Lippiatte, Florida Address: 3906 Sugar Berry Pl Cocoa, FL 32926 Bankruptcy Case 6:13-bk-13640-KSJ Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Linda Mary Lippiatte from Cocoa, FL, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2013-11-04. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2014-02-05." Linda Mary Lippiatte — Florida, 6:13-bk-13640
ᐅ John T Livingston, Florida Address: 6571 Bancroft Ave Cocoa, FL 32927-2232 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:15-bk-07094-CCJ: "The bankruptcy filing by John T Livingston, undertaken in 2015-08-18 in Cocoa, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 11.16.2015 after liquidating assets." John T Livingston — Florida, 6:15-bk-07094
ᐅ Amy L Livingston, Florida Address: 6571 Bancroft Ave Cocoa, FL 32927-2232 Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-07094-CCJ Overview: "Amy L Livingston's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in Aug 18, 2015, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in November 16, 2015." Amy L Livingston — Florida, 6:15-bk-07094
ᐅ Eunices Llanos, Florida Address: 4555 Everglades St Cocoa, FL 32927-3629 Bankruptcy Case 6:2014-bk-10238-KSJ Overview: "Cocoa, FL resident Eunices Llanos's 09/09/2014 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2014-12-08." Eunices Llanos — Florida, 6:2014-bk-10238
ᐅ Anthony P Lodato, Florida Address: PO Box 236153 Cocoa, FL 32923 Bankruptcy Case 6:12-bk-09114-ABB Overview: "The case of Anthony P Lodato in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Jul 3, 2012 and discharged early October 19, 2012, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Anthony P Lodato — Florida, 6:12-bk-09114
ᐅ Nancy J Logan, Florida Address: 1689 Rosetine St Cocoa, FL 32926 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-05674-ABB: "Nancy J Logan's bankruptcy, initiated in 2009-04-28 and concluded by August 14, 2009 in Cocoa, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Nancy J Logan — Florida, 6:09-bk-05674
ᐅ Jessica Long, Florida Address: 798 Alcazar Ave Cocoa, FL 32927 Bankruptcy Case 6:09-bk-18994-ABB Summary: "Jessica Long's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in 12.14.2009, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in April 1, 2010." Jessica Long — Florida, 6:09-bk-18994
ᐅ Janine Marie Long, Florida Address: 514 Haverhill Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 6:11-bk-14935-KSJ7: "The case of Janine Marie Long in Cocoa, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in September 30, 2011 and discharged early 2012-01-16, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Janine Marie Long — Florida, 6:11-bk-14935
ᐅ Lucretia Lonis, Florida Address: 6970 Song Dr Cocoa, FL 32927 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 6:12-bk-01961-KSJ: "Lucretia Lonis's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Cocoa, FL in 2012-02-16, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in June 2012." Lucretia Lonis — Florida, 6:12-bk-01961