ᐅ Floyd L Calhoun, Florida Address: PO Box 2129 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Bankruptcy Case 8:09-bk-13229-KRM Summary: "Floyd L Calhoun's bankruptcy, initiated in 2009-06-22 and concluded by 10.08.2009 in Anna Maria, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Floyd L Calhoun — Florida, 8:09-bk-13229
ᐅ John E Ecklund, Florida Address: PO Box 1386 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Bankruptcy Case 8:09-bk-08343-KRM Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by John E Ecklund, undertaken in 04/27/2009 in Anna Maria, FL under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2009-07-30 after liquidating assets." John E Ecklund — Florida, 8:09-bk-08343
ᐅ Gail Garneau, Florida Address: PO Box 278 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 8:10-bk-02597-KRM: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Gail Garneau from Anna Maria, FL, saw their proceedings start in February 2010 and complete by May 2010, involving asset liquidation." Gail Garneau — Florida, 8:10-bk-02597
ᐅ Remy L Gonzalez, Florida Address: PO Box 979 Anna Maria, FL 34216-0979 Bankruptcy Case 8:10-bk-00081-MGW Summary: "The bankruptcy record for Remy L Gonzalez from Anna Maria, FL, under Chapter 13, filed in January 2010, involved setting up a repayment plan, finalized by 04/24/2013." Remy L Gonzalez — Florida, 8:10-bk-00081
ᐅ Rondi L Guerin, Florida Address: PO Box 902 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 8:09-bk-02600-CED: "Rondi L Guerin's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Anna Maria, FL in February 16, 2009, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in May 21, 2009." Rondi L Guerin — Florida, 8:09-bk-02600
ᐅ Thomas Kubik, Florida Address: PO Box 1041 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 8:09-bk-25610-CED7: "Thomas Kubik's bankruptcy, initiated in 11.07.2009 and concluded by Feb 12, 2010 in Anna Maria, FL, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Thomas Kubik — Florida, 8:09-bk-25610
ᐅ William Lawrence Manfull, Florida Address: PO Box 262 Anna Maria, FL 34216-0262 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 8:14-bk-02463-CPM: "William Lawrence Manfull's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Anna Maria, FL in 2014-03-06, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2014-06-04." William Lawrence Manfull — Florida, 8:14-bk-02463
ᐅ Anthony A Milen, Florida Address: PO Box 1111 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 8:11-bk-12618-MGW: "The case of Anthony A Milen in Anna Maria, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Anthony A Milen — Florida, 8:11-bk-12618
ᐅ Marie A Neid, Florida Address: PO Box 96 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 07-52628-mbm: "Marie A Neid's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Anna Maria, FL in 2007-06-29, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 10.15.2007." Marie A Neid — Florida, 07-52628
ᐅ Brenda Lee Stover, Florida Address: PO Box 9 Anna Maria, FL 34216 Bankruptcy Case 8:11-bk-21079-CPM Overview: "The case of Brenda Lee Stover in Anna Maria, FL, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Brenda Lee Stover — Florida, 8:11-bk-21079