New Bankruptcy Forms

Avoid common mistakes completing free bankruptcy forms

Accuracy and thoroughness prevent surprises. When filling out bankruptcy forms and questionnaires: do it once, do it right, and avoid all surprises in federal bankruptcy court.

Most surprises are avoidable. You should resolve questions before filling out bankruptcy forms. The end result all debtors desire is an uneventful conclusion to all bankruptcy proceedings. To be in-and-out of a final discharge hearing in less than a minute is not uncommon. But it only occurs as a result of careful preparation and full disclosure, taking care to not only discuss problem beforehand, but obtain the support of a bankruptcy trustee's recommendation before appearing in court. Especially in complex cases, attorney fees paid to obtain a trustee's recommendation and conformity with court guidelines are a bargain.

Avoid these common mistakes when completing free bankruptcy forms

Only taxes are considered legitimate deductions when reporting net monthly income. Many debtors deduct medical insurance and retirement contributions, only to discover later they misrepresented income in an official court declaration. You will find fill-in bankruptcy forms require answers to many tax questions.

If you are subject to a past divorce decree, monthly alimony or child support payments must be disclosed in official bankruptcy forms. If these items remain unpaid, the federal court will nevertheless discover the state court in which you received a divorce, with the location and file number of your divorce proceeding. On more than one occasion, a smiling debtor walked out of bankruptcy court with discharge in hand, only to discover a waiting constable with an arrest warrant for unpaid child support. National reporting of past due child support in each state is available online to law enforcement officers.

Attorneys and free bankruptcy forms

Many attorneys spend entire careers dealing with bankruptcy issues and completing bankruptcy forms. Even these specialists must constantly research new laws and the applications of familiar statutes in new circumstances. Most attorneys know the danger of handling one case without accurate knowledge of the law. Experience and familiarity are key.


  • Bankruptcy forms change regularly.
  • Free bankruptcy forms are not guaranteed by the courts.
  • Local rules may amend bankruptcy form requirements.
  • Different bankruptcy forms are required under each chapter.
  • Information provided in bankruptcy forms is under oath.
  • If you have questions regarding bankruptcy forms, contact a qualified attorney.

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