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Algodones, New Mexico - Bankruptcy Filing

Explore detailed information about bankruptcy cases in Algodones.

Last updated on: February 11, 2025
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This website represents an extensive, searchable database of both recent and ongoing bankruptcy filings, accessible by name, city, or state. It is designed to serve as a resource for professionals in finance and related industries.

Comprehensive Reports on Background, Contacts

Juliette Aguilar, Algodones NM

Address: 62 Hagan Rd Unit 4184 Algodones, NM 87001
Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 09-15431-s7: "The bankruptcy filing by Juliette Aguilar, undertaken in 2009-11-29 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 03.04.2010 after liquidating assets."
Juliette Aguilar — New Mexico

Augustine Gabriel Archibeque, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 606 Algodones, NM 87001
Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-13205-j77: "The case of Augustine Gabriel Archibeque in Algodones, NM, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in July 14, 2011 and discharged early 2011-10-17, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Augustine Gabriel Archibeque — New Mexico

Anne Brady, Algodones NM

Address: 5 Los Romeros Algodones, NM 87001
Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-16466-j7: "The bankruptcy filing by Anne Brady, undertaken in 2010-12-31 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 04/05/2011 after liquidating assets."
Anne Brady — New Mexico

Ronald L Budagher, Algodones NM

Address: 16 Camino De Dolores Algodones, NM 87001
Bankruptcy Case 11-11554-j7 Overview: "Ronald L Budagher's bankruptcy, initiated in Apr 7, 2011 and concluded by Jul 11, 2011 in Algodones, NM, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Ronald L Budagher — New Mexico

Pedro Buenaventa, Algodones NM

Address: 3 Los Vigiles Algodones, NM 87001
Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-14439-j77: "Algodones, NM resident Pedro Buenaventa's August 31, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Dec 4, 2010."
Pedro Buenaventa — New Mexico

Sam A Candelaria, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 315 Algodones, NM 87001-0315
Bankruptcy Case 15-10078-j7 Summary: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Sam A Candelaria from Algodones, NM, saw their proceedings start in 2015-01-16 and complete by April 2015, involving asset liquidation."
Sam A Candelaria — New Mexico

Joseph Chavez, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 4316 Algodones, NM 87001
Bankruptcy Case 10-11857-s7 Overview: "Algodones, NM resident Joseph Chavez's April 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 07/18/2010."
Joseph Chavez — New Mexico

Robert C Cordova, Algodones NM

Address: 10 Coronado Rd Algodones, NM 87001
Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-12723-j7: "The bankruptcy filing by Robert C Cordova, undertaken in 2013-08-17 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Nov 20, 2013 after liquidating assets."
Robert C Cordova — New Mexico

Gertrude Candelaria Harrison, Algodones NM

Address: 165 N Middle Rio Grande Algodones, NM 87001
Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 12-13947-j77: "The case of Gertrude Candelaria Harrison in Algodones, NM, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Oct 29, 2012 and discharged early 2013-02-01, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Gertrude Candelaria Harrison — New Mexico

Richard D Lovato, Algodones NM

Address: 1501 Highway 313 Algodones, NM 87001-8012
Bankruptcy Case 16-10843-t7 Overview: "The case of Richard D Lovato in Algodones, NM, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 04/08/2016 and discharged early 07.07.2016, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Richard D Lovato — New Mexico

Xavier Lovato, Algodones NM

Address: 5 Los Vigiles Algodones, NM 87001
Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-12860-s7: "The bankruptcy filing by Xavier Lovato, undertaken in 2010-06-07 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2010-09-13 after liquidating assets."
Xavier Lovato — New Mexico

Margaret A Martinez, Algodones NM

Address: 3 Los Barelas Algodones, NM 87001
Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 12-13774-t77: "Algodones, NM resident Margaret A Martinez's 10/15/2012 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by January 18, 2013."
Margaret A Martinez — New Mexico

Peter Pacheco, Algodones NM

Address: 15 Calle Alfredo Algodones, NM 87001
Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-12427-s7: "Algodones, NM resident Peter Pacheco's 05.12.2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2010-08-15."
Peter Pacheco — New Mexico

Rebecca Sotelo, Algodones NM

Address: 7 Highway 474 Algodones, NM 87001-8028
Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 16-11445-j77: "Algodones, NM resident Rebecca Sotelo's 2016-06-10 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2016-09-08."
Rebecca Sotelo — New Mexico

Yolanda L Tenorio, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 364 Algodones, NM 87001-0364
Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 08-11028-t13: "Yolanda L Tenorio, a resident of Algodones, NM, entered a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan in 2008-04-04, culminating in its successful completion by March 6, 2013."
Yolanda L Tenorio — New Mexico

Luciana Trancosa, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 702 Algodones, NM 87001
Bankruptcy Case 12-13815-j7 Overview: "Algodones, NM resident Luciana Trancosa's 10/17/2012 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2013-01-20."
Luciana Trancosa — New Mexico

Kimberly Lynn Troncosa, Algodones NM

Address: PO Box 351 Algodones, NM 87001
Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-12679-j7: "The bankruptcy filing by Kimberly Lynn Troncosa, undertaken in 2013-08-14 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in November 2013 after liquidating assets."
Kimberly Lynn Troncosa — New Mexico

Hugh C Turner, Algodones NM

Address: 4 Bosque Rd Algodones, NM 87001
Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 12-10753-s7: "The bankruptcy filing by Hugh C Turner, undertaken in 02/29/2012 in Algodones, NM under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in June 2012 after liquidating assets."
Hugh C Turner — New Mexico

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