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Bankruptcy Database

Arroyo Grande, California - Court Records

This website represents an extensive, searchable database of both recent and ongoing bankruptcy filings, accessible by name, city, or state. It is designed to serve as a resource for professionals in finance and related industries.

California Bankruptcy Records

ᐅ William J Adagio, California

Address: 212 Pearwood Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2912

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:15-bk-10218-DS: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident William J Adagio's 02/06/2015 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 06.08.2015."
William J Adagio — California, 9:15-bk-10218-DS

ᐅ Katherine Alberda, California

Address: 2388 Brant St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15758-RR7: "The case of Katherine Alberda in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 11.09.2010 and discharged early Mar 14, 2011, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Katherine Alberda — California, 9:10-bk-15758-RR

ᐅ Peter Alvara, California

Address: 183 N Elm St # A Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15705-RR7: "The bankruptcy filing by Peter Alvara, undertaken in Nov 5, 2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2011-03-10 after liquidating assets."
Peter Alvara — California, 9:10-bk-15705-RR

ᐅ Iii Homer Anderson, California

Address: 172 Falcon Crest Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15012-RR Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Iii Homer Anderson from Arroyo Grande, CA, saw his proceedings start in 2010-09-29 and complete by Feb 1, 2011, involving asset liquidation."
Iii Homer Anderson — California, 9:10-bk-15012-RR

ᐅ Kirby C Anderson, California

Address: PO Box 1378 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:09-bk-13941-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Kirby C Anderson, undertaken in 09/25/2009 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in January 5, 2010 after liquidating assets."
Kirby C Anderson — California, 9:09-bk-13941-RR

ᐅ Gary Andreini, California

Address: 2515 Nightshade Pl Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15368-RR: "The case of Gary Andreini in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 10/20/2010 and discharged early 02.22.2011, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Gary Andreini — California, 9:10-bk-15368-RR

ᐅ Brandy Andrews, California

Address: 2441 Callender Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-15781-RR: "The case of Brandy Andrews in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Nov 10, 2010 and discharged early 2011-03-15, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Brandy Andrews — California, 9:10-bk-15781-RR

ᐅ Doris Ankeny, California

Address: PO Box 1450 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-10834-RR Overview: "The case of Doris Ankeny in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 02/23/2010 and discharged early 2010-06-05, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Doris Ankeny — California, 9:10-bk-10834-RR

ᐅ Steven C Anselm, California

Address: 629 Garfield Pl Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:11-bk-10504-RR: "The bankruptcy filing by Steven C Anselm, undertaken in February 2011 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 05.16.2011 after liquidating assets."
Steven C Anselm — California, 9:11-bk-10504-RR

ᐅ Michael Arias, California

Address: 1479 Blueberry Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-11800-RR Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Michael Arias, undertaken in 04.15.2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2010-07-26 after liquidating assets."
Michael Arias — California, 9:10-bk-11800-RR

ᐅ Harold Brian Arnett, California

Address: 2055 Laguna Negra Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:12-bk-12870-PC: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Harold Brian Arnett from Arroyo Grande, CA, saw their proceedings start in 07/30/2012 and complete by 12/02/2012, involving asset liquidation."
Harold Brian Arnett — California, 9:12-bk-12870-PC

ᐅ Carl A Artopoeus, California

Address: 157 Andre Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-11241-RR7: "The bankruptcy filing by Carl A Artopoeus, undertaken in 05.10.2013 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in August 2013 after liquidating assets."
Carl A Artopoeus — California, 9:13-bk-11241-RR

ᐅ Joan Atwood, California

Address: 204 Aspen St Apt C3 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-14652-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Joan Atwood from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 09/09/2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 01/12/2011."
Joan Atwood — California, 9:10-bk-14652-RR

ᐅ Kathleen Louise Austin, California

Address: 449 Quail Hill Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-12728-RR Overview: "Kathleen Louise Austin's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in June 2011, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Sep 7, 2011."
Kathleen Louise Austin — California, 9:11-bk-12728-RR

ᐅ Brittany E Ayers, California

Address: 1157 Clevenger Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-10890-RR7: "The bankruptcy filing by Brittany E Ayers, undertaken in 04/05/2013 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2013-07-16 after liquidating assets."
Brittany E Ayers — California, 9:13-bk-10890-RR

ᐅ Chad Jerome Bace, California

Address: 225 Alder St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3130

Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-10369-PC Summary: "Chad Jerome Bace's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 2016-02-29, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in May 2016."
Chad Jerome Bace — California, 9:16-bk-10369-PC

ᐅ Angelina Maria Balderama, California

Address: 1168 Farroll Ave Apt C Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4144

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:14-bk-11414-PC: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Angelina Maria Balderama filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in June 30, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by October 20, 2014."
Angelina Maria Balderama — California, 9:14-bk-11414-PC

ᐅ Julie P Ballard, California

Address: 512 Bakeman Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3757

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:14-bk-10234-PC: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Julie P Ballard's 02.06.2014 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2014-06-09."
Julie P Ballard — California, 9:14-bk-10234-PC

ᐅ Francesco Barcellona, California

Address: 1066 Maple St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:12-bk-14240-RR: "The bankruptcy record of Francesco Barcellona from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 11/19/2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in March 2013."
Francesco Barcellona — California, 9:12-bk-14240-RR

ᐅ Adam M Barnard, California

Address: 1174 Fair Oaks Ave Apt 36 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:09-bk-14158-RR: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Adam M Barnard filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Oct 8, 2009. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2010-01-18."
Adam M Barnard — California, 9:09-bk-14158-RR

ᐅ James Barnett, California

Address: 674 Gaynfair Ter Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:09-bk-15455-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident James Barnett's 12/29/2009 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2010-04-10."
James Barnett — California, 9:09-bk-15455-RR

ᐅ Paul Anthony Barton, California

Address: 2136 Verde Canyon Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4958

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-10320: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Paul Anthony Barton filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in January 2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2015-04-30."
Paul Anthony Barton — California, 15-10320

ᐅ Sarah Kristen Barton, California

Address: 2136 Verde Canyon Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4958

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 15-10320: "The case of Sarah Kristen Barton in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in January 2015 and discharged early April 2015, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Sarah Kristen Barton — California, 15-10320

ᐅ Gregory Kevin Bean, California

Address: 602 Cornwall Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3217

Bankruptcy Case 13-60278-RBK Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Gregory Kevin Bean filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in March 2013. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2013-06-10."
Gregory Kevin Bean — California, 13-60278

ᐅ Carol Beard, California

Address: 553 May St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-10255-PC Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Carol Beard filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in January 20, 2012. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by May 24, 2012."
Carol Beard — California, 9:12-bk-10255-PC

ᐅ Cheryl Begandy, California

Address: 372 Tiger Tail Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-14941-RR Summary: "The case of Cheryl Begandy in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2010-09-24 and discharged early 2011-01-11, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Cheryl Begandy — California, 9:10-bk-14941-RR

ᐅ Victor Bellotti, California

Address: 645 Garfield Pl Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15630-RR7: "Victor Bellotti's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in November 2010, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2011-02-10."
Victor Bellotti — California, 9:10-bk-15630-RR

ᐅ Kevin Benevedo, California

Address: 451 Beech St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-12728-RR: "The bankruptcy filing by Kevin Benevedo, undertaken in May 2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 09.07.2010 after liquidating assets."
Kevin Benevedo — California, 9:10-bk-12728-RR

ᐅ Randy Berry, California

Address: 2116 Lopez Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-13332-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Randy Berry from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2010-06-30. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in October 12, 2010."
Randy Berry — California, 9:10-bk-13332-RR

ᐅ Gary C Bishop, California

Address: 400 California St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-15318-RR: "The case of Gary C Bishop in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2011-11-18 and discharged early 2012-03-22, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Gary C Bishop — California, 9:11-bk-15318-RR

ᐅ Patrick Black, California

Address: 103 Pilgrim Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-13030-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Patrick Black from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in June 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in October 2010."
Patrick Black — California, 9:10-bk-13030-RR

ᐅ Joshua Allen Stell Blackshear, California

Address: 1143 Ash St Apt A Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-12528-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Joshua Allen Stell Blackshear's May 27, 2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Aug 24, 2011."
Joshua Allen Stell Blackshear — California, 9:11-bk-12528-RR

ᐅ Mark Bloodgood, California

Address: 536 E Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15569-RR Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Mark Bloodgood filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-10-28. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by March 2011."
Mark Bloodgood — California, 9:10-bk-15569-RR

ᐅ Scott Andrew Bogle, California

Address: 430 Pecan St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-12778-RR7: "The bankruptcy record of Scott Andrew Bogle from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2012-07-23. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 11.25.2012."
Scott Andrew Bogle — California, 9:12-bk-12778-RR

ᐅ Kasie L Bordeleau, California

Address: 571 Gularte Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2326

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-10655-DS: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Kasie L Bordeleau filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in April 2016. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by July 7, 2016."
Kasie L Bordeleau — California, 9:16-bk-10655-DS

ᐅ Steven B Bordeleau, California

Address: 571 Gularte Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2326

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-10655-DS7: "The case of Steven B Bordeleau in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 04.08.2016 and discharged early 2016-07-07, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Steven B Bordeleau — California, 9:16-bk-10655-DS

ᐅ Phyllis L Borgardt, California

Address: 1138 Fair Oaks Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:13-bk-10176-RR: "Phyllis L Borgardt's bankruptcy, initiated in 01/24/2013 and concluded by 2013-05-06 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Phyllis L Borgardt — California, 9:13-bk-10176-RR

ᐅ Paula Jean Borgsdorf, California

Address: 1158 Fair Oaks Ave Apt 9 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-12705-PC Summary: "Paula Jean Borgsdorf's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 07.18.2012, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in November 20, 2012."
Paula Jean Borgsdorf — California, 9:12-bk-12705-PC

ᐅ Margaret Borter, California

Address: 311 E Cherry Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-12068-RR Summary: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Margaret Borter filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Apr 29, 2010. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by August 9, 2010."
Margaret Borter — California, 9:10-bk-12068-RR

ᐅ Michelle Bower, California

Address: 215 Clarence St # A Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-12006-RR Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michelle Bower from Arroyo Grande, CA, saw her proceedings start in 04.27.2010 and complete by 08.09.2010, involving asset liquidation."
Michelle Bower — California, 9:10-bk-12006-RR

ᐅ Teryl K Boyett, California

Address: 527 Bakeman Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3754

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-11281-DS: "Teryl K Boyett's bankruptcy, initiated in Jul 8, 2016 and concluded by 2016-10-06 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Teryl K Boyett — California, 9:16-bk-11281-DS

ᐅ Michael Alan Brandt, California

Address: PO Box 108 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-10485-PC7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michael Alan Brandt from Arroyo Grande, CA, saw his proceedings start in Feb 27, 2013 and complete by June 9, 2013, involving asset liquidation."
Michael Alan Brandt — California, 9:13-bk-10485-PC

ᐅ Stephen William Brossard, California

Address: 765 Mesa View Dr Spc 84 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-12338-RR Summary: "Stephen William Brossard's bankruptcy, initiated in 2013-09-17 and concluded by December 2013 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Stephen William Brossard — California, 9:13-bk-12338-RR

ᐅ Vibiana Bruno, California

Address: 163 Brisco Rd Apt G Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-10787-RR7: "The case of Vibiana Bruno in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in February 2010 and discharged early Jun 1, 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Vibiana Bruno — California, 9:10-bk-10787-RR

ᐅ Cornelio Neil Buelna, California

Address: 2125 Hillview Pl Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-5829

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:15-bk-10467-PC7: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Cornelio Neil Buelna filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2015-03-09. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by June 2015."
Cornelio Neil Buelna — California, 9:15-bk-10467-PC

ᐅ Jennifer Ann Buksa, California

Address: 317 Tiger Tail Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-12344-RR7: "The bankruptcy filing by Jennifer Ann Buksa, undertaken in September 2013 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in December 29, 2013 after liquidating assets."
Jennifer Ann Buksa — California, 9:13-bk-12344-RR

ᐅ Jr Donald Burr, California

Address: 1156 Shannon Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:09-bk-14998-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Jr Donald Burr, undertaken in November 2009 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 03/11/2010 after liquidating assets."
Jr Donald Burr — California, 9:09-bk-14998-RR

ᐅ James Calhoon, California

Address: 170 Blue Sky Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-10970-RR: "The bankruptcy filing by James Calhoon, undertaken in March 2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 06.12.2010 after liquidating assets."
James Calhoon — California, 9:10-bk-10970-RR

ᐅ Ligia Cardona, California

Address: 1165 Ash St # A Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3845

Bankruptcy Case 6:15-bk-19086-SY Summary: "Ligia Cardona's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 09.14.2015, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 12/28/2015."
Ligia Cardona — California, 6:15-bk-19086-SY

ᐅ Nancy Carol, California

Address: 430 Sandwort Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 09-19546 Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Nancy Carol, undertaken in Oct 2, 2009 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in January 2010 after liquidating assets."
Nancy Carol — California, 09-19546

ᐅ Ray Cayabyab, California

Address: 363 PECAN PL ARROYO GRANDE, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-11522-RR Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Ray Cayabyab from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in Mar 31, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2010-07-11."
Ray Cayabyab — California, 9:10-bk-11522-RR

ᐅ Jeffrey Cedillos, California

Address: 570 Diego Rivera Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15625-RR Overview: "Jeffrey Cedillos's bankruptcy, initiated in 2010-10-31 and concluded by 02.02.2011 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Jeffrey Cedillos — California, 9:10-bk-15625-RR

ᐅ Macrina Cervantes, California

Address: 1211 Russ Ct Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4126

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:14-bk-11312-PC: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Macrina Cervantes filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Jun 19, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by October 2014."
Macrina Cervantes — California, 9:14-bk-11312-PC

ᐅ Fred G Chaney, California

Address: 855 Via Las Aguilas Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:11-bk-13312-RR: "The bankruptcy filing by Fred G Chaney, undertaken in 2011-07-12 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2011-11-14 after liquidating assets."
Fred G Chaney — California, 9:11-bk-13312-RR

ᐅ Glenda Charrette, California

Address: 395 Stanton St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-10530-RR: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Glenda Charrette's February 3, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 05.16.2010."
Glenda Charrette — California, 9:10-bk-10530-RR

ᐅ Sonia Chavez, California

Address: 211 McKinley St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-14526-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Sonia Chavez's Aug 31, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by January 3, 2011."
Sonia Chavez — California, 9:10-bk-14526-RR

ᐅ Margaret E Childress, California

Address: PO Box 501 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-15719-RR Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Margaret E Childress filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in December 19, 2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by April 2012."
Margaret E Childress — California, 9:11-bk-15719-RR

ᐅ Christopher Scott Clark, California

Address: 149 Andre Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-11919-PC Summary: "Christopher Scott Clark's bankruptcy, initiated in 05/14/2012 and concluded by Aug 20, 2012 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Christopher Scott Clark — California, 9:12-bk-11919-PC

ᐅ Brant S Clark, California

Address: 948 Cameron Ct Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-11460-RR Overview: "Brant S Clark's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in March 30, 2011, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in August 2, 2011."
Brant S Clark — California, 9:11-bk-11460-RR

ᐅ Thomas H Clark, California

Address: 1241 Farroll Ave Spc 49 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-10092-RR Overview: "Thomas H Clark's bankruptcy, initiated in 2011-01-07 and concluded by 2011-05-12 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Thomas H Clark — California, 9:11-bk-10092-RR

ᐅ Dean A Clark, California

Address: 230 Camino Escondido Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:11-bk-10927-RR: "Dean A Clark's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 2011-02-28, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in July 2011."
Dean A Clark — California, 9:11-bk-10927-RR

ᐅ James Clark, California

Address: 461 Hansen Hill Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-11436-RR: "James Clark's bankruptcy, initiated in 2010-03-26 and concluded by 07.06.2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
James Clark — California, 9:10-bk-11436-RR

ᐅ David A Clark, California

Address: PO Box 7041 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-12062-RR Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by David A Clark, undertaken in May 2, 2011 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 08.10.2011 after liquidating assets."
David A Clark — California, 9:11-bk-12062-RR

ᐅ Robert Class, California

Address: 2568 Lancaster Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:09-bk-14686-RR7: "Robert Class's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 11/09/2009, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2010-02-25."
Robert Class — California, 9:09-bk-14686-RR

ᐅ Brian Scott Coates, California

Address: 1375 E Grand Ave # 103 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-11988-RR Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Brian Scott Coates, undertaken in 2013-08-05 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2013-11-15 after liquidating assets."
Brian Scott Coates — California, 9:13-bk-11988-RR

ᐅ Jose Guadalupe Contreras, California

Address: 2275 Bonnie Jean Ln Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:12-bk-14126-RR: "The bankruptcy filing by Jose Guadalupe Contreras, undertaken in 2012-11-07 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2013-02-17 after liquidating assets."
Jose Guadalupe Contreras — California, 9:12-bk-14126-RR

ᐅ Jeanette Marie Costa, California

Address: 707 Calle Bendita Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-10236-RR Overview: "Jeanette Marie Costa's bankruptcy, initiated in January 2011 and concluded by 05/02/2011 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Jeanette Marie Costa — California, 9:11-bk-10236-RR

ᐅ Austin Andrew Creel, California

Address: 546 Le Point St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2828

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-10795-PC: "Austin Andrew Creel's bankruptcy, initiated in 04.28.2016 and concluded by July 2016 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Austin Andrew Creel — California, 9:16-bk-10795-PC

ᐅ Alejandro Cuevas, California

Address: 163 S Elm St Apt F17 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-10125-RR Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Alejandro Cuevas from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in January 12, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in April 2010."
Alejandro Cuevas — California, 9:10-bk-10125-RR

ᐅ Katherine M Currie, California

Address: 241 N Courtland St Apt 215 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:11-bk-10955-RR: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Katherine M Currie's 03/02/2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Jun 13, 2011."
Katherine M Currie — California, 9:11-bk-10955-RR

ᐅ William Patrick Dale, California

Address: 510 E Cherry Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-12444-PC: "William Patrick Dale's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in September 2013, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2014-01-10."
William Patrick Dale — California, 9:13-bk-12444-PC

ᐅ Craig Dalessandro, California

Address: 1276 Ash St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 09-33143-HRT Summary: "The case of Craig Dalessandro in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Oct 30, 2009 and discharged early 02/23/2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Craig Dalessandro — California, 09-33143

ᐅ Danny Daniel, California

Address: 765 Mesa View Dr Spc 304 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-13278-RR Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Danny Daniel filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-06-29. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by November 1, 2010."
Danny Daniel — California, 9:10-bk-13278-RR

ᐅ Eric Davies, California

Address: PO Box 159 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-14246-RR: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Eric Davies from Arroyo Grande, CA, saw their proceedings start in Aug 17, 2010 and complete by 12.20.2010, involving asset liquidation."
Eric Davies — California, 9:10-bk-14246-RR

ᐅ J Davis, California

Address: 435 Vista Del Robles Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15978-RR Overview: "The case of J Davis in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in Nov 23, 2010 and discharged early March 28, 2011, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
J Davis — California, 9:10-bk-15978-RR

ᐅ Luna Guillermo Reyes De, California

Address: 809 Rizal Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-11023-PC7: "The bankruptcy filing by Luna Guillermo Reyes De, undertaken in March 2012 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2012-07-15 after liquidating assets."
Luna Guillermo Reyes De — California, 9:12-bk-11023-PC

ᐅ Peschio Antonio Del, California

Address: 1585 Chilton St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-2204

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:15-bk-11776-PC: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Peschio Antonio Del's 2015-09-02 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by December 2015."
Peschio Antonio Del — California, 9:15-bk-11776-PC

ᐅ David John Deniz, California

Address: PO Box 1451 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-12209-RR Overview: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, David John Deniz filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in May 11, 2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Sep 13, 2011."
David John Deniz — California, 9:11-bk-12209-RR

ᐅ Johnna Deniz, California

Address: 809 Huasna Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-10460-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Johnna Deniz's Jan 29, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by May 2010."
Johnna Deniz — California, 9:10-bk-10460-RR

ᐅ Timothy J Deplanche, California

Address: 1061 Meadow Way Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-11366-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Timothy J Deplanche's 2012-03-30 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Aug 2, 2012."
Timothy J Deplanche — California, 9:12-bk-11366-RR

ᐅ Efrain Diaz, California

Address: 601 Hillside Ct Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-14518-RR7: "The bankruptcy filing by Efrain Diaz, undertaken in 12.13.2012 in Arroyo Grande, CA under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 03/25/2013 after liquidating assets."
Efrain Diaz — California, 9:12-bk-14518-RR

ᐅ Andrew Dibbern, California

Address: 425 California St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-16120-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Andrew Dibbern's 2010-11-30 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by April 4, 2011."
Andrew Dibbern — California, 9:10-bk-16120-RR

ᐅ Laura J Dickerson, California

Address: 828 Quail Ct Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-1312

Bankruptcy Case 9:15-bk-10224-DS Overview: "Laura J Dickerson's bankruptcy, initiated in Feb 6, 2015 and concluded by 2015-05-26 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Laura J Dickerson — California, 9:15-bk-10224-DS

ᐅ Steven Dimmick, California

Address: 765 Mesa View Dr Spc 287 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-16124-RR: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Steven Dimmick's 2010-11-30 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by April 2011."
Steven Dimmick — California, 9:10-bk-16124-RR

ᐅ Patrick Dirlam, California

Address: 3389 Huasna Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-11237-RR Summary: "Patrick Dirlam's bankruptcy, initiated in March 2010 and concluded by 06/26/2010 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Patrick Dirlam — California, 9:10-bk-11237-RR

ᐅ Teresa T Ditmars, California

Address: 655 S Halcyon Rd Spc 17 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-4293

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-50751: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Teresa T Ditmars filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 02.21.2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2014-05-22."
Teresa T Ditmars — California, 14-50751

ᐅ Sally Donahoe, California

Address: 913 Magnolia Dr Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-16110-RR Overview: "Sally Donahoe's bankruptcy, initiated in 2010-11-30 and concluded by April 4, 2011 in Arroyo Grande, CA, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors."
Sally Donahoe — California, 9:10-bk-16110-RR

ᐅ Delissa Dawn Doty, California

Address: 240 Spruce St Apt 7 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-3032

Bankruptcy Case 9:16-bk-10193-DS Summary: "Delissa Dawn Doty's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 2016-02-02, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2016-05-02."
Delissa Dawn Doty — California, 9:16-bk-10193-DS

ᐅ Marjorie Dunn, California

Address: 765 Mesa View Dr Spc 96 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 9:09-bk-15240-RR7: "The bankruptcy record of Marjorie Dunn from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in Dec 14, 2009. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2010-04-02."
Marjorie Dunn — California, 9:09-bk-15240-RR

ᐅ Lawrence George Edenso, California

Address: 525 Clinton Ct Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-13634-RR: "Lawrence George Edenso's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 09.28.2012, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in January 2013."
Lawrence George Edenso — California, 9:12-bk-13634-RR

ᐅ Wayne Ralph Edmiston, California

Address: 2236 Kittwake St Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:12-bk-12908-PC: "The case of Wayne Ralph Edmiston in Arroyo Grande, CA, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 07.31.2012 and discharged early 2012-12-03, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Wayne Ralph Edmiston — California, 9:12-bk-12908-PC

ᐅ Tahirih Ellison, California

Address: 3575 Huasna Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:10-bk-12964-RR: "Tahirih Ellison's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Arroyo Grande, CA in 2010-06-14, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2010-10-17."
Tahirih Ellison — California, 9:10-bk-12964-RR

ᐅ Scott Emerson, California

Address: 239 S Elm St Apt 10 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-15567-RR Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Scott Emerson from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in October 28, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 03.02.2011."
Scott Emerson — California, 9:10-bk-15567-RR

ᐅ Sean Emerson, California

Address: 174 Brisco Rd Apt 6 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:11-bk-13739-RR: "The bankruptcy record of Sean Emerson from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 08/05/2011. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2011-12-08."
Sean Emerson — California, 9:11-bk-13739-RR

ᐅ Jeanette Blanche Erb, California

Address: PO Box 7221 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Bankruptcy Case 9:11-bk-13654-RR Summary: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Jeanette Blanche Erb's 2011-07-31 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 11/10/2011."
Jeanette Blanche Erb — California, 9:11-bk-13654-RR

ᐅ Soila E Fabaro, California

Address: 241 N Courtland St Apt 340 Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Bankruptcy Case 9:12-bk-12068-RR Summary: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Soila E Fabaro filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2012-05-24. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Sep 26, 2012."
Soila E Fabaro — California, 9:12-bk-12068-RR

ᐅ Connie Sue Farris, California

Address: PO Box 62 Arroyo Grande, CA 93421

Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 9:09-bk-13852-RR: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Connie Sue Farris filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 09.22.2009. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by January 2010."
Connie Sue Farris — California, 9:09-bk-13852-RR

ᐅ Kyle R Fetterer, California

Address: 717 Erhart Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420-5035

Bankruptcy Case 15-14894-led Summary: "In Arroyo Grande, CA, Kyle R Fetterer filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in August 2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 11.25.2015."
Kyle R Fetterer — California, 15-14894

ᐅ Austin J Field, California

Address: 1079 Fair Oaks Ave Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:13-bk-11637-PC: "The bankruptcy record of Austin J Field from Arroyo Grande, CA, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in June 2013. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 10/05/2013."
Austin J Field — California, 9:13-bk-11637-PC

ᐅ Larry Fiscel, California

Address: 1836 Huasna Rd Arroyo Grande, CA 93420

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 9:10-bk-11723-RR: "Arroyo Grande, CA resident Larry Fiscel's 04/12/2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 07/23/2010."
Larry Fiscel — California, 9:10-bk-11723-RR