ᐅ Wanda June King, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 53 Mannford, OK 74044-0053 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-11224-R: "The bankruptcy record of Wanda June King from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in Jun 29, 2015. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in September 27, 2015." Wanda June King — Oklahoma, 15-11224-R
ᐅ Ray Floyd King, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 53 Mannford, OK 74044-0053 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 15-11224-R: "Ray Floyd King's bankruptcy, initiated in June 29, 2015 and concluded by Sep 27, 2015 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Ray Floyd King — Oklahoma, 15-11224-R
ᐅ Darryl W Kirby, Oklahoma Address: 35639 W 61st St S Mannford, OK 74044-7013 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-10632-R7: "In Mannford, OK, Darryl W Kirby filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2015-04-07. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Jul 6, 2015." Darryl W Kirby — Oklahoma, 15-10632-R
ᐅ Michelle Lynn Kirby, Oklahoma Address: 35639 W 61st St S Mannford, OK 74044-7013 Bankruptcy Case 15-10632-R Overview: "Mannford, OK resident Michelle Lynn Kirby's 04/07/2015 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 07.06.2015." Michelle Lynn Kirby — Oklahoma, 15-10632-R
ᐅ Desiree Kay Klutts, Oklahoma Address: 108 Dogwood Mannford, OK 74044-9617 Bankruptcy Case 15-11574-R Overview: "In Mannford, OK, Desiree Kay Klutts filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 08/20/2015. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2015-11-18." Desiree Kay Klutts — Oklahoma, 15-11574-R
ᐅ Dillion Blake Klutts, Oklahoma Address: 108 Dogwood Mannford, OK 74044-9617 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 15-11574-R7: "Mannford, OK resident Dillion Blake Klutts's 2015-08-20 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 11.18.2015." Dillion Blake Klutts — Oklahoma, 15-11574-R
ᐅ Susan Labry, Oklahoma Address: 107 Dogwood Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-11093-M7: "In Mannford, OK, Susan Labry filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 04/08/2010. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2010-07-13." Susan Labry — Oklahoma, 10-11093-M
ᐅ Jennifer Dawn Lanious, Oklahoma Address: 10860 S 401st West Ave Mannford, OK 74044-6017 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 15-12423-M: "Jennifer Dawn Lanious's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 12/23/2015, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2016-03-22." Jennifer Dawn Lanious — Oklahoma, 15-12423-M
ᐅ Patricia Kay Lawson, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1752 Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-12460-M: "The case of Patricia Kay Lawson in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Patricia Kay Lawson — Oklahoma, 13-12460-M
ᐅ Angela Dawn Lewis, Oklahoma Address: 35107 W Montego Bay Rd Mannford, OK 74044-2907 Bankruptcy Case 15-11401-R Summary: "Angela Dawn Lewis's bankruptcy, initiated in July 2015 and concluded by 10/25/2015 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Angela Dawn Lewis — Oklahoma, 15-11401-R
ᐅ Johnny Dale Lewis, Oklahoma Address: 35107 W Montego Bay Rd Mannford, OK 74044-2907 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-11401-R: "The bankruptcy filing by Johnny Dale Lewis, undertaken in 2015-07-27 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Oct 25, 2015 after liquidating assets." Johnny Dale Lewis — Oklahoma, 15-11401-R
ᐅ John Mack, Oklahoma Address: 860 Keystone Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-11918-R: "John Mack's bankruptcy, initiated in 06/08/2010 and concluded by 2010-09-12 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." John Mack — Oklahoma, 10-11918-R
ᐅ Glen Leroy Maley, Oklahoma Address: 29285 E Basin Rd Mannford, OK 74044-2931 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-10681-R7: "The case of Glen Leroy Maley in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Glen Leroy Maley — Oklahoma, 2014-10681-R
ᐅ Richard Lowell Mccormick, Oklahoma Address: 107 Aspen Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-12656-M7: "Richard Lowell Mccormick's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 2011-09-13, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Dec 18, 2011." Richard Lowell Mccormick — Oklahoma, 11-12656-M
ᐅ Janet Kay Mcdaniels, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 546 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 11-13178-M Summary: "The case of Janet Kay Mcdaniels in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Janet Kay Mcdaniels — Oklahoma, 11-13178-M
ᐅ Sean Mcguire, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1254 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-13984-R Summary: "In Mannford, OK, Sean Mcguire filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-11-17. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by Feb 21, 2011." Sean Mcguire — Oklahoma, 10-13984-R
ᐅ John Martin Mcguire, Oklahoma Address: 256 Hinton Blvd Apt 10 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-13252-R Overview: "Mannford, OK resident John Martin Mcguire's Dec 6, 2012 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by March 2013." John Martin Mcguire — Oklahoma, 12-13252-R
ᐅ Danny Mchenry, Oklahoma Address: 35157 W 41st St S Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-10638-R: "Danny Mchenry's bankruptcy, initiated in March 8, 2010 and concluded by 2010-06-12 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Danny Mchenry — Oklahoma, 10-10638-R
ᐅ Lisa Jill Mckinney, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1114 Mannford, OK 74044-1114 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 16-10192-R7: "The case of Lisa Jill Mckinney in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Lisa Jill Mckinney — Oklahoma, 16-10192-R
ᐅ Jr Gary Meadows, Oklahoma Address: 6785 S 369th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-13529-M Overview: "In Mannford, OK, Jr Gary Meadows filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 10.12.2010. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2011-01-16." Jr Gary Meadows — Oklahoma, 10-13529-M
ᐅ Juan Medellin, Oklahoma Address: 35882 W 31st St S Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-10753-M7: "The bankruptcy filing by Juan Medellin, undertaken in 2010-03-16 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Jun 20, 2010 after liquidating assets." Juan Medellin — Oklahoma, 10-10753-M
ᐅ Steven Mehagan, Oklahoma Address: 4998 Mehagen Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-13912-R: "Mannford, OK resident Steven Mehagan's 2010-11-11 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Feb 15, 2011." Steven Mehagan — Oklahoma, 10-13912-R
ᐅ Adra Elizabeth Metcalf, Oklahoma Address: 118 Birch Dr Mannford, OK 74044-7033 Bankruptcy Case 2014-11130-M Summary: "Adra Elizabeth Metcalf's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 05/23/2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2014-08-21." Adra Elizabeth Metcalf — Oklahoma, 2014-11130-M
ᐅ Anthonii James Miller, Oklahoma Address: 39053 W 51st St S Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-13040-M: "Anthonii James Miller's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in Oct 21, 2011, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in Jan 25, 2012." Anthonii James Miller — Oklahoma, 11-13040-M
ᐅ Kirsten Margrethe Milliner, Oklahoma Address: 1155 Remuda Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 11-12324-R Summary: "Kirsten Margrethe Milliner's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 2011-08-11, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2011-11-15." Kirsten Margrethe Milliner — Oklahoma, 11-12324-R
ᐅ Eddie Hobert Mincher, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1361 Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 13-12543-M: "The bankruptcy record of Eddie Hobert Mincher from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2013-10-25. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2014-01-29." Eddie Hobert Mincher — Oklahoma, 13-12543-M
ᐅ Mark Andrew Moore, Oklahoma Address: 5542 S 377th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044-2707 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-10787-R: "Mark Andrew Moore's bankruptcy, initiated in 04.28.2015 and concluded by 2015-07-27 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Mark Andrew Moore — Oklahoma, 15-10787-R
ᐅ Stephanie Sue Moore, Oklahoma Address: 5542 S 377th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044-2707 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 15-10787-R: "Stephanie Sue Moore's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 2015-04-28, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in July 27, 2015." Stephanie Sue Moore — Oklahoma, 15-10787-R
ᐅ William Charles Moore, Oklahoma Address: 121 Birch Dr Mannford, OK 74044-7034 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-11483-M7: "The bankruptcy filing by William Charles Moore, undertaken in Jul 2, 2014 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 09/30/2014 after liquidating assets." William Charles Moore — Oklahoma, 2014-11483-M
ᐅ Laddie Frank Morris, Oklahoma Address: 34630 W 21st St S Mannford, OK 74044-3222 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 10-12798-M: "Aug 13, 2010 marked the beginning of Laddie Frank Morris's Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Mannford, OK, entailing a structured repayment schedule, completed by October 2014." Laddie Frank Morris — Oklahoma, 10-12798-M
ᐅ Tina Ann Morris, Oklahoma Address: 34630 W 21st St S Mannford, OK 74044-3222 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-12798-M7: "Tina Ann Morris, a resident of Mannford, OK, entered a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan in 08.13.2010, culminating in its successful completion by Oct 24, 2014." Tina Ann Morris — Oklahoma, 10-12798-M
ᐅ Clinton Morrison, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1558 Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 12-10682-R: "The bankruptcy filing by Clinton Morrison, undertaken in March 15, 2012 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 06/19/2012 after liquidating assets." Clinton Morrison — Oklahoma, 12-10682-R
ᐅ Whitlock Christa Beate Nelson, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1126 Mannford, OK 74044-1126 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 2014-11718-M: "Mannford, OK resident Whitlock Christa Beate Nelson's August 4, 2014 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by November 2, 2014." Whitlock Christa Beate Nelson — Oklahoma, 2014-11718-M
ᐅ James Roy Norris, Oklahoma Address: 220 Hinton Blvd Mannford, OK 74044-9500 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 3:2014-bk-03973-PMG: "The bankruptcy record of James Roy Norris from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in August 14, 2014. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 11.12.2014." James Roy Norris — Oklahoma, 3:2014-bk-03973
ᐅ Toni Ann Owens, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 951 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 12-10106-M7: "Toni Ann Owens's bankruptcy, initiated in 2012-01-18 and concluded by April 23, 2012 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Toni Ann Owens — Oklahoma, 12-10106-M
ᐅ Patrick Gene Patterson, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 973 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-11877-R Overview: "Patrick Gene Patterson's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 07/11/2012, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2012-10-15." Patrick Gene Patterson — Oklahoma, 12-11877-R
ᐅ Jodie Marie Patton, Oklahoma Address: 6985 S 369th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-13194-M Overview: "Jodie Marie Patton's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 2012-11-30, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2013-03-06." Jodie Marie Patton — Oklahoma, 12-13194-M
ᐅ Theresa Elaine Patton, Oklahoma Address: 6985 S 369th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 12-13202-M7: "The bankruptcy record of Theresa Elaine Patton from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2012-11-30. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2013-03-06." Theresa Elaine Patton — Oklahoma, 12-13202-M
ᐅ Bobbi Jo Lynn Pawloski, Oklahoma Address: 3582 S 357th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044-2636 Bankruptcy Case 16-10323-M Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Bobbi Jo Lynn Pawloski from Mannford, OK, saw her proceedings start in 2016-02-28 and complete by May 28, 2016, involving asset liquidation." Bobbi Jo Lynn Pawloski — Oklahoma, 16-10323-M
ᐅ Robert Michael Pawloski, Oklahoma Address: 3582 S 357th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044-2636 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 16-10323-M: "Mannford, OK resident Robert Michael Pawloski's February 2016 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 05/28/2016." Robert Michael Pawloski — Oklahoma, 16-10323-M
ᐅ Kimberly Pearce, Oklahoma Address: 2945 Sunset Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-13611-R Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Kimberly Pearce, undertaken in Oct 19, 2010 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in January 2011 after liquidating assets." Kimberly Pearce — Oklahoma, 10-13611-R
ᐅ Adam Pehrson, Oklahoma Address: 116 Elk Ridge Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-13221-M Summary: "Adam Pehrson's bankruptcy, initiated in Sep 15, 2010 and concluded by 12.20.2010 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Adam Pehrson — Oklahoma, 10-13221-M
ᐅ Candace Jeanine Ramsey, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 42 Mannford, OK 74044-0042 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-12690-M: "In Mannford, OK, Candace Jeanine Ramsey filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Dec 26, 2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 03.26.2015." Candace Jeanine Ramsey — Oklahoma, 14-12690-M
ᐅ Joshua Brian Ramsey, Oklahoma Address: PO 42 Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-12690-M: "The bankruptcy record of Joshua Brian Ramsey from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2014-12-26. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in March 2015." Joshua Brian Ramsey — Oklahoma, 14-12690-M
ᐅ Breanna L Ray, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 54 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 13-11043-M Summary: "Breanna L Ray's bankruptcy, initiated in May 2013 and concluded by 2013-08-06 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Breanna L Ray — Oklahoma, 13-11043-M
ᐅ Jerry Richard Reece, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1151 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-12922-M7: "In Mannford, OK, Jerry Richard Reece filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2011-10-07. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 01/11/2012." Jerry Richard Reece — Oklahoma, 11-12922-M
ᐅ William R Reece, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1178 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-10422-M7: "William R Reece's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 02/28/2013, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2013-06-04." William R Reece — Oklahoma, 13-10422-M
ᐅ Jeremiah Allen Richard, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1831 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-11039-M7: "The case of Jeremiah Allen Richard in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Jeremiah Allen Richard — Oklahoma, 13-11039-M
ᐅ Jeffrey Adam Riggs, Oklahoma Address: 1728 N Lewis Ln Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 11-12148-M: "The case of Jeffrey Adam Riggs in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Jeffrey Adam Riggs — Oklahoma, 11-12148-M
ᐅ Cory Everett Roberson, Oklahoma Address: 35740 W 87th Pl S Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-13174-M Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Cory Everett Roberson from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 11.29.2012. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in March 5, 2013." Cory Everett Roberson — Oklahoma, 12-13174-M
ᐅ Samuel Winfield Robison, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 641 Mannford, OK 74044-0641 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 2014-11654-R: "The bankruptcy record of Samuel Winfield Robison from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2014-07-28. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in October 26, 2014." Samuel Winfield Robison — Oklahoma, 2014-11654-R
ᐅ Veronica Jo Robison, Oklahoma Address: 32465 W Basin Rd Mannford, OK 74044-2903 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-11654-R: "Veronica Jo Robison's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in 07/28/2014, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in 2014-10-26." Veronica Jo Robison — Oklahoma, 14-11654-R
ᐅ Donald Bruce Schieferstein, Oklahoma Address: 9916 N Scenic Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 12-13284-R: "Mannford, OK resident Donald Bruce Schieferstein's 2012-12-11 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by March 2013." Donald Bruce Schieferstein — Oklahoma, 12-13284-R
ᐅ Walter Eugene Schoonover, Oklahoma Address: 2 Parkview Mannford, OK 74044-9529 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 09-13815-M: "In their Chapter 13 bankruptcy case filed in 12/02/2009, Mannford, OK's Walter Eugene Schoonover agreed to a debt repayment plan, which was successfully completed by 10/22/2014." Walter Eugene Schoonover — Oklahoma, 09-13815-M
ᐅ Charles Scott, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1176 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-11353-R7: "The case of Charles Scott in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Charles Scott — Oklahoma, 10-11353-R
ᐅ Phillip D Scott, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 804 Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-10231-R: "In Mannford, OK, Phillip D Scott filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 02/07/2013. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by May 14, 2013." Phillip D Scott — Oklahoma, 13-10231-R
ᐅ Joseph Russell Murray Sears, Oklahoma Address: 125 Gardenia Cir Mannford, OK 74044-3035 Bankruptcy Case 16-10049-R Overview: "In Mannford, OK, Joseph Russell Murray Sears filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2016-01-15. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2016-04-14." Joseph Russell Murray Sears — Oklahoma, 16-10049-R
ᐅ Eddy Duane Sellers, Oklahoma Address: 2371 Speck Wright Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-10382-M7: "The case of Eddy Duane Sellers in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Eddy Duane Sellers — Oklahoma, 13-10382-M
ᐅ Michael Barrett Shouse, Oklahoma Address: 116 Granada Pl Mannford, OK 74044-3077 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 08-12628-R: "Chapter 13 bankruptcy for Michael Barrett Shouse in Mannford, OK began in 2008-10-31, focusing on debt restructuring, concluding with plan fulfillment in 09/28/2012." Michael Barrett Shouse — Oklahoma, 08-12628-R
ᐅ Jr Nicholas Robert Simpson, Oklahoma Address: 39443 W 51st St S Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 13-12953-M Summary: "Jr Nicholas Robert Simpson's Chapter 7 bankruptcy, filed in Mannford, OK in Dec 20, 2013, led to asset liquidation, with the case closing in March 2014." Jr Nicholas Robert Simpson — Oklahoma, 13-12953-M
ᐅ Christopher Sloan, Oklahoma Address: 157 Lake Country Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-10952-M7: "The bankruptcy filing by Christopher Sloan, undertaken in 2010-03-30 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2010-07-04 after liquidating assets." Christopher Sloan — Oklahoma, 10-10952-M
ᐅ Jr Paul Russell Smith, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1457 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 13-10813-M Overview: "The case of Jr Paul Russell Smith in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Jr Paul Russell Smith — Oklahoma, 13-10813-M
ᐅ Shelley Snow, Oklahoma Address: 36804 W Highway 51 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-12529-R Overview: "In Mannford, OK, Shelley Snow filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-07-26. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by October 2010." Shelley Snow — Oklahoma, 10-12529-R
ᐅ Sr James Earl Spicer, Oklahoma Address: 41782 W 65th St S Mannford, OK 74044 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 13-11437-R: "The bankruptcy record of Sr James Earl Spicer from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in June 17, 2013. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in Sep 21, 2013." Sr James Earl Spicer — Oklahoma, 13-11437-R
ᐅ Gina Spurlock, Oklahoma Address: 28810 W 31st St S Mannford, OK 74044-3047 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 14-11534-R: "Mannford, OK resident Gina Spurlock's July 2014 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by October 2014." Gina Spurlock — Oklahoma, 14-11534-R
ᐅ Ira Scott Spurlock, Oklahoma Address: 28810 W 31st St S Mannford, OK 74044-3047 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 2014-11534-R7: "Ira Scott Spurlock's bankruptcy, initiated in July 10, 2014 and concluded by 2014-10-08 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Ira Scott Spurlock — Oklahoma, 2014-11534-R
ᐅ Michael Standeford, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 854 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-10189-M Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Michael Standeford from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 01.27.2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2010-05-03." Michael Standeford — Oklahoma, 10-10189-M
ᐅ Roger Dale Starnes, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1325 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 11-11037-R Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Roger Dale Starnes from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 04.15.2011. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 07.19.2011." Roger Dale Starnes — Oklahoma, 11-11037-R
ᐅ Julie Anne Stone, Oklahoma Address: 112 Birch Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-12830-M7: "Mannford, OK resident Julie Anne Stone's 2011-09-29 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 01/03/2012." Julie Anne Stone — Oklahoma, 11-12830-M
ᐅ Kenneth Alan Stott, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1031 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 11-13546-M Summary: "In Mannford, OK, Kenneth Alan Stott filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Dec 13, 2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by March 2012." Kenneth Alan Stott — Oklahoma, 11-13546-M
ᐅ Dennis R Strate, Oklahoma Address: 3071 Sunset Rd Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-10132-R Summary: "Dennis R Strate's bankruptcy, initiated in 01.20.2012 and concluded by 04/25/2012 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Dennis R Strate — Oklahoma, 12-10132-R
ᐅ Michelle Thomas, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 2026 Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 09-13979-R Overview: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Michelle Thomas from Mannford, OK, saw her proceedings start in December 17, 2009 and complete by 03.23.2010, involving asset liquidation." Michelle Thomas — Oklahoma, 09-13979-R
ᐅ David Turman, Oklahoma Address: 141 Glendale Cir Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 10-14176-M Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by David Turman, undertaken in 12/07/2010 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2011-03-13 after liquidating assets." David Turman — Oklahoma, 10-14176-M
ᐅ Betty Twomey, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1554 Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-12541-M: "Betty Twomey's bankruptcy, initiated in July 2010 and concluded by Oct 31, 2010 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Betty Twomey — Oklahoma, 10-12541-M
ᐅ Earl Wayne Vantrease, Oklahoma Address: 36346 W 31st St S Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 13-11274-M7: "The bankruptcy filing by Earl Wayne Vantrease, undertaken in May 29, 2013 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2013-09-02 after liquidating assets." Earl Wayne Vantrease — Oklahoma, 13-11274-M
ᐅ James Glen Varnell, Oklahoma Address: 31658 Keystone Dr Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 12-12978-R Summary: "The bankruptcy record of James Glen Varnell from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in 2012-11-02. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 2013-02-06." James Glen Varnell — Oklahoma, 12-12978-R
ᐅ Roy Lavon Varnell, Oklahoma Address: 2157 Sunrise Rd Mannford, OK 74044-6234 Bankruptcy Case 2014-11482-R Overview: "In Mannford, OK, Roy Lavon Varnell filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 07.02.2014. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by September 30, 2014." Roy Lavon Varnell — Oklahoma, 2014-11482-R
ᐅ Daniel E Wallis, Oklahoma Address: 2420 S 361st West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-13000-R7: "Mannford, OK resident Daniel E Wallis's 10/17/2011 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by 2012-01-21." Daniel E Wallis — Oklahoma, 11-13000-R
ᐅ Warren Ward, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1102 Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 09-16499: "Warren Ward's bankruptcy, initiated in Nov 17, 2009 and concluded by 02/21/2010 in Mannford, OK, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." Warren Ward — Oklahoma, 09-16499
ᐅ Jonathan David Watters, Oklahoma Address: 702 Greenwood Ave Mannford, OK 74044-3026 Bankruptcy Case 14-12561-R Summary: "Mannford, OK resident Jonathan David Watters's 2014-12-04 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by Mar 4, 2015." Jonathan David Watters — Oklahoma, 14-12561-R
ᐅ Angela Wells, Oklahoma Address: PO Box 1282 Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-13296-M7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Angela Wells from Mannford, OK, saw her proceedings start in 09.22.2010 and complete by 12.27.2010, involving asset liquidation." Angela Wells — Oklahoma, 10-13296-M
ᐅ Russell Allen West, Oklahoma Address: 110 Oak Ridge Dr Mannford, OK 74044-9543 Bankruptcy Case 2014-10711-M Overview: "The bankruptcy record of Russell Allen West from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in Apr 3, 2014. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 07.02.2014." Russell Allen West — Oklahoma, 2014-10711-M
ᐅ Harvey James Whittenburg, Oklahoma Address: 147 Lake Country Mannford, OK 74044-9526 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 15-12271-M: "The case of Harvey James Whittenburg in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Harvey James Whittenburg — Oklahoma, 15-12271-M
ᐅ Pamela Michelle Wilkins, Oklahoma Address: 201 Farrow Dr Apt A8 Mannford, OK 74044-9630 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 16-10922-M7: "The bankruptcy record of Pamela Michelle Wilkins from Mannford, OK, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in May 2016. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in 08/22/2016." Pamela Michelle Wilkins — Oklahoma, 16-10922-M
ᐅ Brandon Williams, Oklahoma Address: 64 Lake Country Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-12670-M7: "The case of Brandon Williams in Mannford, OK, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Brandon Williams — Oklahoma, 10-12670-M
ᐅ Ronald E Wilson, Oklahoma Address: 6975 S 369th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 11-10288-M7: "In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case, Ronald E Wilson from Mannford, OK, saw their proceedings start in February 2011 and complete by 05.21.2011, involving asset liquidation." Ronald E Wilson — Oklahoma, 11-10288-M
ᐅ Billy Henry Wilson, Oklahoma Address: 38955 W 54th Pl S Mannford, OK 74044 Bankruptcy Case 11-12269-R Summary: "The bankruptcy filing by Billy Henry Wilson, undertaken in August 5, 2011 in Mannford, OK under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in November 2011 after liquidating assets." Billy Henry Wilson — Oklahoma, 11-12269-R
ᐅ Donna G Young, Oklahoma Address: 3485 S 417th West Ave Mannford, OK 74044 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 11-11628-M: "In Mannford, OK, Donna G Young filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 06.08.2011. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2011-09-20." Donna G Young — Oklahoma, 11-11628-M