ᐅ Jennifer Chapman, Ohio Address: PO Box 165 Iberia, OH 43325 Bankruptcy Case 2:10-bk-63509 Summary: "Iberia, OH resident Jennifer Chapman's November 15, 2010 Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing, which involved liquidating assets, was discharged by February 2011." Jennifer Chapman — Ohio, 2:10-bk-63509
ᐅ David Salvatore Tramontana, Ohio Address: PO Box 33 Iberia, OH 43325 Snapshot of U.S. Bankruptcy Proceeding Case 2:11-bk-57758: "David Salvatore Tramontana's bankruptcy, initiated in 2011-07-27 and concluded by November 4, 2011 in Iberia, OH, falls under Chapter 7. This case entailed asset liquidation by a trustee, with the proceeds distributed to creditors." David Salvatore Tramontana — Ohio, 2:11-bk-57758