ᐅ Joseph Weber, Tennessee Address: 4755 Highway 76 Cottontown, TN 37048 Bankruptcy Case 3:10-bk-01409 Summary: "The bankruptcy record of Joseph Weber from Cottontown, TN, shows a Chapter 7 case filed in February 11, 2010. In this process, assets were liquidated to settle debts, and the case was discharged in May 18, 2010." Joseph Weber — Tennessee, 3:10-bk-01409
ᐅ Nathan Lee West, Tennessee Address: 356 Creekmore Rd Cottontown, TN 37048 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 3:13-bk-095177: "The bankruptcy filing by Nathan Lee West, undertaken in October 31, 2013 in Cottontown, TN under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 2014-02-04 after liquidating assets." Nathan Lee West — Tennessee, 3:13-bk-09517
ᐅ Sr Garry Allison Williams, Tennessee Address: 260 County House Rd Cottontown, TN 37048 Bankruptcy Case 3:13-bk-05911 Overview: "The bankruptcy filing by Sr Garry Allison Williams, undertaken in 07.09.2013 in Cottontown, TN under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in Oct 15, 2013 after liquidating assets." Sr Garry Allison Williams — Tennessee, 3:13-bk-05911
ᐅ John Andrew Williams, Tennessee Address: 263 Aplin Branch Rd Cottontown, TN 37048 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 3:13-bk-085137: "The bankruptcy filing by John Andrew Williams, undertaken in 09/27/2013 in Cottontown, TN under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in January 2014 after liquidating assets." John Andrew Williams — Tennessee, 3:13-bk-08513
ᐅ Thelma Reynolds Woodard, Tennessee Address: 1072 Bowling Branch Rd Cottontown, TN 37048-9018 Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 3:09-bk-10816: "In her Chapter 13 bankruptcy case filed in 09/22/2009, Cottontown, TN's Thelma Reynolds Woodard agreed to a debt repayment plan, which was successfully completed by December 2014." Thelma Reynolds Woodard — Tennessee, 3:09-bk-10816
ᐅ Audra Sue Woodward, Tennessee Address: 1351 Pee Dee Branch Rd Cottontown, TN 37048-5122 Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 3:16-bk-032117: "The case of Audra Sue Woodward in Cottontown, TN, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2009 and discharged early 2010, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors." Audra Sue Woodward — Tennessee, 3:16-bk-03211