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Bankruptcy Database

Bruning, Nebraska - Court Records

This website represents an extensive, searchable database of both recent and ongoing bankruptcy filings, accessible by name, city, or state. It is designed to serve as a resource for professionals in finance and related industries.

Nebraska Bankruptcy Records

ᐅ Mary Houser, Nebraska

Address: PO Box 136 Bruning, NE 68322

Concise Description of Bankruptcy Case 10-43056-TLS7: "In Bruning, NE, Mary Houser filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010-10-07. This case, involving liquidating assets to pay off debts, was resolved by 2011-01-13."
Mary Houser — Nebraska, 10-43056

ᐅ Phyllis Louise Keen, Nebraska

Address: 333 E Main St Bruning, NE 68322-4004

Bankruptcy Case 10-54375 Overview: "Phyllis Louise Keen, a resident of Bruning, NE, entered a Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan in April 2010, culminating in its successful completion by 2013-04-10."
Phyllis Louise Keen — Nebraska, 10-54375

ᐅ Georgann Scholes, Nebraska

Address: PO Box 267 Bruning, NE 68322

Brief Overview of Bankruptcy Case 10-40126-TLS: "The bankruptcy filing by Georgann Scholes, undertaken in January 2010 in Bruning, NE under Chapter 7, concluded with discharge in 04.27.2010 after liquidating assets."
Georgann Scholes — Nebraska, 10-40126

ᐅ Brenda G Williams, Nebraska

Address: PO Box 174 Bruning, NE 68322-0174

Bankruptcy Case 16-40977-TLS Summary: "The case of Brenda G Williams in Bruning, NE, demonstrates a Chapter 7 bankruptcy filed in 2016-06-16 and discharged early Sep 14, 2016, focusing on asset liquidation to repay creditors."
Brenda G Williams — Nebraska, 16-40977