Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Exemptions

Supplementing Pennsylvania bankruptcy exemptions when property omitted

The failure to file Pennsylvania bankruptcy exemptions is not a fatal mistake. If property items are omitted, immediately file an amended claim form H and re-designate all new property. Also, if the property was omitted from both the list of all property owned and schedule H, the court may inquire about the underlying reason for the omission. The failure to include Pennsylvania bankruptcy exemption designations is relatively minor compared to potential problems created by the omission of property altogether because of the full disclosure requirements. In the event the court finds that property omission was intentional and occurred with the intent to defraud creditors, judges may impose any of numerous methods of sanctions and punishment.

Pennsylvania Rules of Construction

As provided by Rule 4003, Fed. rules Bk. Proc., a debtor has 30 days to supplement bankruptcy claim form H after the expiration of the original time Also, for cause, a judge may extend the time limit. Ordinarily, judges remain impartial in the administration of cases, yet Federal judges are known for strict compliance with the rule of law. Pennsylvania bankruptcy judges tend to fair, strict, and impartial, and would probably allow an extension if the omission occurred as a result of innocent error.