Arkansas Bankruptcy Exemptions

Courts, Rules and Statutes affect Arkansas bankruptcy exemptions through new laws

The sources of law creating Arkansas bankruptcy exemptions are derived from five primary sources. First, the State of Arkansas exemptions are originally created by statues enacted by the legislature, yet secondly are subject to further court clarification through judicial opinions. Third, the Federal Code provides statutory preemption of values in some cases, and fourthly, the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and Federal Rules of Evidence determine if an exemption may be properly proved to the satisfaction of the Bankruptcy Court in any given circumstance. Fifth, and finally, Local Bankruptcy Rules affect the procedure for designating exemptions, and if negligently failing to follow these rules precisely, Arkansas bankruptcy exemptions may be lost.

Arkansas men and women do have options choosing exemptions

The state legislature determines a reasonable standard for minimum living conditions within the state. Wide disparities in the opinions of legislators aside, special interest groups exert extreme pressure in the form of campaign contributions. Most legislators, even those who consider poverty deplorable, seen content to focus their attention upon issues with a higher probability of success than confronting age old Arkansas traditions. On the brighter side, Arkansas does allow unlimited homestead value for rural acreage, and the option to choose federal exemptions under Section 522 of the Code. Because of these two highly desirable alternatives, increases in Arkansas property exemption values are highly unlikely.