Bankruptcy Form Instructions

How to avoid red flags filing in bankruptcy forms

Be clear, concise and accurate taking care to repeat exactly the same information when duplicate information is required. By way of example, consider the last time you were examined by a doctor. Doctors are tricky. They ask questions designed to produce answers to hidden questions. Here's how:

"Do you see the light? Now follow the light as far as you can while I move it from side to side. I want to test your eye response." Actually, the doctor may be testing your range of motion in your neck to verify the neck pain and restricted motion you reported 15 minutes earlier. By asking the same question three different ways in fill-able bankruptcy forms, any variance in your response will be easily noted.

Bankruptcy courts, trustees, attorneys for creditors, and even the court's designers of bankruptcy forms all know this process well. Many questions asked in bankruptcy forms seem redundant, because they are. Redundant questions deserve redundant answers to avoid discrepancies. By far the best way to avoid all inconsistency is to provide clear, concise and accurate answers to each questioned asked.

A warning when completing bankruptcy forms

Answer all questions asked, but no more. Do not offer information that is not specifically requested. You will not receive a more favorable review from the court by including information that is not required. To the contrary, by including extraneous information, you only increase the potential to raise additional questions and be resolved before relief is granted.

You should be familiar with a favorite ploy used by attorneys taking depositions and bankruptcy trustees taking testimony from debtors. They will often ask in conclusion, "Is there any else you want to add? Do I need to know anything more to clearly understand what you told me?" When testimony concludes, keep your private thoughts private.

Completing bankruptcy forms

All debtors must provide testimony in support of filed bankruptcy forms. Trustees and creditors ask questions about every case and do not necessarily indicate a problem. Providing truthful disclosures in bankruptcy forms is your best defense.


  • Bankruptcy forms change regularly.
  • Free bankruptcy forms are not guaranteed by the courts.
  • Local rules may amend bankruptcy form requirements.
  • Different bankruptcy forms are required under each chapter.
  • Information provided in bankruptcy forms is under oath.
  • If you have questions regarding bankruptcy forms, contact a qualified attorney.

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