U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Help Directory

Help for debtors with U.S. Bankruptcy Court filing procedures and requirements

Below, you will find contact information for all U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, including county of jurisdiction and practice tips. Be aware, after the enactment of Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, 11 U.S.C. Sec. 1408 requires at least 2 years residency to properly file in any state. Presumptively, debtors must look back to find the most recent state in which they resided for 2 years or more.

U.S. Bankruptcy Court Information By State & County:

*The Code specifically authorizes foreign residents who own property within the United States or U.S. territories to file, yet they may be limited to Chapter 11 because of residency restrictions. Should you have questions, contact a qualified attorney.

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