Missouri Bankruptcy Law (MO)

Filing Missouri Chapter 7 and 13 cases online with free legal assistance

The Clerk of the court allows online filing for Missouri bankruptcy cases under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13, however, only attorneys who maintain an active account are extended this privilege. Individuals who file may use either paper documents presented at the clerks office, or may select electronic filing of computers via diskette. Before preparing and document d\set for a Missouri case, carefully review all current filing rules and procedures. Local rules change frequently, without notice, and may not be incorporated in typical form sets and kits.

Retaining an attorney prevents unnecessary dismissals, and most often is the best avenue for reaping maximum protection under the law. At time when most people are suffering from economic hardship, assistance is provided initially by consumer law specialists through first consultations afforded without charge. These free meetings create an open forum for discussing needs, questions, problems, and receive free legal help without obligation of any kind. Al people who are considering the travails of new Missouri law amendments should consider legal help before stumbling upon a irreversible error.